
Alexander County Center Newsletter
June, 2021
Try Pruning to Get Larger Tomatoes

Are you growing tomatoes in your garden this year? Check out this article on how to keep your tomatoes healthy and encourage larger fruit production through pruning and suckering!

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Alexander County Farmer's Market

Hey friends and neighbors! The Alexander County Farmer's Market is starting back on Saturday, June 12th from 8AM-12PM! We will be located at the old hospital in town (180 NC-16 Taylorsville, NC) every Saturday through September. There is nothing like buying fresh produce, homemade sweets, or handmade crafts from your local vendors! Come support them or stop by our office if you're interested in becoming a vendor yourself (151 W Main Ave Taylorsville, NC). We would love to have you!

If you GROW IT, MAKE IT, or BAKE IT… please JOIN US!

If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office (NC Cooperative Extension Alexander County Center) at 828-632-4451.
Cattle Fly Control

The necessity for a fly control program for beef herds is inevitable and if you haven’t started a program in your herd, now is the time. The two major species of flies that cause the most serious decreases in beef production and require the most control efforts are the horn fly and face fly. The horn fly alone is estimated to cause animal losses to the US beef industry of $700 million. Tests have shown that the annoyance, irritation, and blood loss caused by flies can reduce weaning weights of calves nursing fly infested mother cows by 12 to 14 pounds; average daily gain
of grazing yearling steers may be reduced 12 to 14 percent, or as much as 30 pounds, during the grazing season. Both face flies and horn flies annoy cattle, resulting in reduced grazing time and increased energy expenditure.
June 4-H Newsletter
Please click the following link to see what is happening in Alexander County 4-H

June 2021 Newsletter

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

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