
Nash County 4-H  l  Office Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm  l  252.459.9810
Visit our Website for Everything Happening!
Mark Your Calendar
Updated Project Record Books are due January 9, 2023
All updated project books are due into the 4-H office on or before
but no later than Monday, January 9th

2022 4-H Nominations - Now Open!
Visit our website for the nomination forms
Sign up for the Livestock Project
Deadline is January 23rd

Visit our website to learn about the 2022/2023 Livestock Educational Series
February 3rd and 4th, 2023
Hilton Durham near Duke University
Registration Deadline - Friday, January 6th
Visit our website for more information
Applications due January 25th
4-H Scholarship and 4-H Honor Club
4-H Scholarship and 4-H Honor Club Applications are due to Raleigh by February 1st. Nash County requires applications to be submitted by January 25, 2023 to our office. 4-H Seniors are encouraged to apply for the 4-H Scholarships. Also, teens 17 and older that have been active 4-H Club members are encouraged to apply to become a member of the 4-H Honor Club. Visit our website for more information and to register
Cost will be $5 Per Vehicle (Cash Only!)
For more information visit our website
Presented by Nash County Recreation and Senior Services, Nash County Sheriff’s Office, 4-H Development, Nash County Cooperative Extension,
and Nashville Police Department
Empowering Youth & Families Program
Learn Communication Education for Parents and Caregivers
This program is designed to help family members valuable build communication skills and also help parents and caregivers communicate positively. To sign up and learn more about this program please contact Adrienne Williams 252-459-9810, send an email to
or visit our website to register for complete details.

Clover Bakery
Next meeting: Monday, January 9th at 4:00 p.m.

Exchange Club
Next meeting: TBA

Feathers n Fur
Next meeting: Monday, January 16th at 6:30 p.m.

A Little Bit of Everything
Next meeting: TBA

Lucky Spurs
Next meeting: Thursday, January 5th at 6:00 p.m.

Red Oak Acorns
Next meeting: TBA

Quad Pods
Next meeting: TBA

Sandy Cross
Next meeting: TBA

Sew What
Next meeting: TBA

Next meeting: Annual Enrollment January TBA

4-H Teen Clovers
Next meeting: TBA

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

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