Alexander 4-H has been busy with club meetings, after school programming and community events. For a recap of events and to see what upcoming events 4-H will be offering, please click the newsletter link below:
Community Garden Bed Rentals!!
Spring is almost here! If you don’t have a place to garden, we’ve got you covered. The Taylorsville Community Garden has over 20 spaces for gardeners in the community to utilize. If you are interested in renting a bed for the season, please call out office ASAP! Also, each bed is only $10 for the YEAR!!! We have 3 different options for raised beds :
Regular Wood- 4ft wide x 16ft long
Elderly and disability Accessible - 3.5ft wide x 6.5ft long x 32in tall
Wheelchair Accessible - 3ft x 6ft x 2ft tall
Please call the NC Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center at 828-632-4451 for more information.
Green Thumb Gazette Newsletter
The February Edition is now available. For more information on February and March's garden tasks and what to be on the look out for click the link below. This months newsletter also includes upcoming events along with several horticulture educational topics. If you find this newsletter helpful and you would like to receive it each month contact Cari Mitchell at cari_mitchell@ncsu.eduto be added to the mailing list.
Are you needing pesticide recertification credits???
N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County will be offering 2 hours of credits on the following days in the following categories:
Private V Training:
February 27, 2023, 6-8 p.m. at the Alexander County Service Center
Private X and Commercial Applicator Training:
(1.5 hour credits to be offered: A,B,G,H,I,K,L,M,T/2 hour credits in: D,K,N,O and X)
March 1, 2023, 2-4 p.m. at the Alexander County Service Center
If you need more information regarding these classes please contact Cari Mitchell at
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.