•When applied as needed on Time!
•Revytek - 5.3 bushel/A increase
•2 applications of Bifenthrin - 4.9 bushel/A increase due to stinkbug control compared to a 1.7 bushel/A increase with one application on 7/29.
•Intrepid Edge - 5.3 bushel/A increase due to lower pod damage
•Foliar feed - 1.5 bushel/A increase compared to check
–Based on tissue results, an across-the-board foliar feed was unnecessary as nutrient levels exceeded NCDA&CS recommended levels.
•All Treatments - 6.8 bushel/A increase
–Most likely due to pod protection and retention from the fungicide and insecticide treatments.
•Although yield differences were not as significant as they were last year, intensely managing the soybean crop made money in 2022
•Mid and end-of-season dry weather had an adverse effect on yields.
•Trial needs to be repeated more times in different years