
Upcoming Classes, 4-H Happenings & More!
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Plant Sale Pick Up
If you ordered plants from 4-H, they will ready available to be picked up on April 5, 2023 at the Extension Education Meeting Room at 699 Conaheeta Street, Murphy, NC 28906 from 9am - 6pm.
Produce Safety Trainings
Three Programs are now available for signup to learn about produce safety:

Produce Safety Rule Cleaning and Sanitation Workshop

Produce Safety Alliance Training

Food Safety Update
West District 4-H Horse Show, Register Now!!
We are happy to announce the 2023 West District 4–H Qualifying Horse Show will be on Saturday April 29 at the WNC Agricultural Center in Fletcher, NC.
We hope that you choose the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina as your location to show at a District 4–H Show and to qualify for the 2023 NC State 4–H Horse Show.

Registration Information and Show Packets
Plan to Plant Your Garden
Almost each year we get anxious to plant our outdoor garden. We will have a warm spell, we plant our seeds or plants to have them killed by a late frost. Another factor is soil temperature. Plants and seeds will not grow unless the ground temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit for cool season vegetable and 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit for warm season crops. Soil probes are affordable and will provide you with proper soil temperature readings for planting. A  Western North Carolina Planting Calendar For Annual Vegetables, Fruits, and Herbs is also available for our region to remove the guess work of potential damage from frost and proper soil temperatures. Choose the correct planting time for cool season crops such as lettuce and onions and for warm season crops such as beans and tomatoes.
Learn More>>

Tractor Supply Paper Clover Drive Coming April 26th-May 7th!!!
When you visit our local Tractor Supply, April 26th – May 7th, at 3340 West US 64, Murphy, NC 28906, buy a paper clover to support 4-H across our clubs, communities, countries, and our world but especially here in Cherokee County.
More Info>>
NC 4-H Camps 2023 Summer Camp Employment Opportunities

Our North Carolina 4-H Camps & Centers are now hiring for our 2023 summer camp season. All seasonal summer camp positions are now posted on NC State University’s employment web page.
Read the Seed Packet

When deciding what to plant this year, consider starting your plants from seed. Seeds offer a low cost opportunity to establish old favorites and try out new cultivars. In addition, there are typically more plant options when using seeds than purchasing plants. When considering seeds, it is useful to know what information is found on the seed packet.
Read More>>
2023 North Carolina GIS Competition for Grades 4-12

The North Carolina Map Contest is open to North Carolina high school (gr.9-12) and middle school (gr.4-8) students who can analyze, interpret, and present data about North Carolina via an ArcGIS Online web app or story map.  Ten equal prizes of $100 will go to the five best high schools and five best middle school projects in North Carolina.  One high school project and one middle school project will be entered into a national contest, the Esri ArcGIS Online U.S. School Competition.
Contest Rules & Details>>
Podcast Launches!
N.C. Cooperative Extension has launched the Grow and Graze Podcast! Farm Credit Service donation allowed the purchase of the equipment. The podcast will focus on topics that are relevant and practical for the Western North Carolina Area in the areas of agriculture, gardening, and home horticulture.

More Info and Episodes>>

How to Become 4-H Member in Cherokee County
NC 4-H Beekeeping Essay Contest

Honey bees are hardworking, tirelessly gathering nectar and pollen to share with their hive. They provide a vital ecological service by pollinating agricultural, garden and native plants. Explore more about these fascinating insects by participating in the North Carolina 4-H Beekeeping Essay contest. The essay provides a platform for youth to creatively express their working knowledge and research of the craft of beekeeping. The 2023 essay topic is, “The Importance of Beeswax.” Although honey bees are much beloved for honey, bees also produce beeswax that can be used in many ways. For this essay, a 4-H student should discuss why beeswax is so important to the hive (it’s a pantry, it’s a nursery, it’s the dance floor), but also discuss their favorite way to use beeswax outside the hive. Photos of candles, soaps, or lip balms that are made to show the 4-H’er’s skill in using beeswax are welcomed as are recipes or brief instructions.

Contest Rules>>

Register for West District
4-H Horse Artistic Expression Contest
Did you know that Creative Arts ranked highest of the major categories of sparks, at 54 % of the youth sampled in Sparks (Benson, 2008, p. 61)? As a way to give 4-H’ers the opportunity to energize that spark, the West District 4-H Horse Program is offering an Artistic Expression Competition at this year’s District Horse Show.

For Rules and More Info>>
Farm Series Class Registrations
Are Available

2023 Farm School


Cherokee and Graham County Centers have teamed together to offer a series of Farm School educational programs that will help farmers, homeowners, gardeners and youth learn more about farming, agriculture and rural living in our area. Most workshops are free to anyone who would like to register. However, there is a charge for the grafting workshop to help cover the cost of the materials. If you have any questions about our programs, feel free to contact us.

To register for any of these programs go to:

Educational Programs Being Offered at New Meeting Facility
As spring time arrives, so does a host of educational opportunities being offered by the Cherokee County Center. Thanks to the support of Cherokee County Government, you can now be part of our programs at our newly renovated educational facility at 699 Connahetta Street in Murphy, NC with nearby parking options. N.C. Cooperative Extension offers educational programs in food safety, wellness, agriculture, Master Gardener program, beekeeping, farm succession planning, consumer horticulture, and other topics. Youth programs are also offered through volunteers along with 4-H Volunteer training. Also webinars through NC State Extension are streamed onsite for residents with limited internet access along with allowing participants to use our facilities to access the internet to complete hybrid (online and in person educational programs. Most program signups are available 24/7 through Eventbrite.
How to Become a
4-H Member in
Cherokee County!!
Cherokee County currently has four active 4-H Clubs. All of our clubs are open to youth ages 5-18 except for our Cherokee On The Fly 4-H Club. It is open to grades 6-12. All of our 4-H clubs are free to enroll in. If there is no club that your child is interested in please give us a call and we will talk to you about other ways to be involved in 4-H. Or if you would like to start a 4-H club we would love to have new 4-H adult volunteers.

Learn More

Resources for Homeowners, Landowners, and Gardeners on Soil Sampling

Soil Sampling is an important tool for homeowners and gardeners. Farmers have been relying on this information for many years to be successful in growing crops, pasture, and tree farms. Homeowners, gardeners, and farmers should visit our website for a better understanding of soil sample reports, how to take a sample, and links to the online agronomic site.
Agent Assistance Can Be Requested Online
If you are a citizen of Cherokee County and have questions that Doug Clement or the Cherokee County Master Gardeners can assist with, submit your request at this link.   It is very important that you provide detailed information.  This information request is for Cherokee County, NC citizens only. Please allow 2 days for a response.  Access the entire NC State Extension database by visiting and typing the keyword in the search bar located in the upper right hand corner of the website.  Also enjoy our monthly newsletter by scrolling to the bottom of our website and entering your email address."

More Info

The Appalachian Beekeepers Association will hold their next meeting on Monday, April 3, 2023 at 699 Conaheeta Street, Murphy, NC..

The Bunnies, Bovines, Bees & Birds
4-H Club will hold their next monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 4th at 6:30pm at 699 Conaheeta Street, Murphy, NC.

The Hiwassee Dam Soaring Eagles 4-H & Modern Woodmen Club meets monthly in Debbie Sander's Classroom.  Ages 5-18 are welcome!

The Cherokee County 4-H Horse Club will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 11th at 6:30pm at 699 Conaheeta Street, Murphy, NC.

The Cherokee County Master Gardeners will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 699 Conaheeta Street, Murphy, NC.

Cherokee on the Fly 4-H Club  will hold their next meeting on Thursday, April 6th and again on April 20th at 3:30pm-5:30pm at 699 Conaheeta Street,  Murphy, NC.
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


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