
Iredell County Cooperative Extension

Iredell Informed June 2023

My name is Jordan Stapf, and I am the newest summer intern at the NC Cooperative Extension in Iredell County. Currently, I am a junior at Catawba College, pursuing a degree in environmental science & sustainability with a concentration in natural resource management and a minor in geographic information systems. This internship with the NC Cooperative Extension presents an incredible opportunity for me to apply my knowledge and skills in a real-world setting. My primary intention is to gain hands-on experience, further expanding my understanding of environmental science and sustainability. I aim to actively engage with the experienced professionals at the Cooperative Extension, learning from their expertise and immersing myself in the practical aspects of the field. By collaborating with the dedicated team at the NC Cooperative Extension, I hope to make meaningful contributions to the development and implementation of sustainable practices and initiatives. 


Join us July 9-12, 2023 in Statesville, NC for the Southeast Dairy Youth Retreat. The itinerary includes educational tours of dairy farms, creameries, and processing plants. Learn about new technologies and research on dairy farms. Finish out the week with some fun times at drive through animal ranch and an arcade and go kart track!

Registration for non- NC residents (youth and adults) is $125. Thanks to the NC Dairy Youth Foundation, North Carolina youth and adults can register for $75. This registration includes activities, meals, and most transportation for the three days. Lodging is not included. A hotel block has been reserved at the Hilton Garden Inn- Statesville, for $114+tax/night. That rate includes breakfast! Attendees are responsible for making their own hotel reservations. A link will be provided at the completion of your registration (sent to the email you use for registration).

Please review the NC 4-H Code of Conduct, Liability Waivers, and Photo Release forms before you register- you will be asked to confirm that you have read them during registration. 
Click on the agenda to register. 


Beans Gone Wild

We are very excited to introduce our new interactive tool, Beans Gone Wild, which will catalog soybean problems arising in the field across North Carolina in a dynamic map and library. There are more details in this Extension Portal Post
In this tool, background about each problem, conclusions about the problem, educational resources, and high-quality photos are provided. These problems will also be saved in a library to access in future years for educational purposes. Users can search in the library by the type of problem or by County. This tool will serve as a resource for Extension Agents, farmers, and other agricultural industry professionals to have an understanding of problems arising across the state and associated resources. 


Simple Summer Cucumber Dip

  • 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 cup cucumber, peeled and diced
  • 2 green onion stalks, washed and trimmed
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1½ teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 ounce Greek cream cheese or 1/3 less fat cream cheese, optional*
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • *For additional thickness, if desired.
  • Click below for directions

Volunteer of the Year

This year Adreanna and I are excited to present a Volunteer of the Year award to someone who has been part of our organization for many years.  Either as a 4-Her or a Volunteer.

As a 4-Her she has many accolades including winning many awards for project books and presentations and volunteering through her club but, we believe her largest contributions have been at the local level with her commitment to Iredell County 4-H.

The West Iredell 4-H Club has won numerous County Fair Booth competitions.  The club always has representation for presentations, project books, and always has volunteers to help at our County events.  She has taught Summer Fun classes  as far back as I can remember( at least 16 years) , and has been a 4-H Volunteer over 24 years.

She is well respected and loved by her club members and parents.  She has made a huge impact on youth in Iredell County not only through Iredell county 4-H but through her career as an educator and now as principal at South  Newton Elementary School. 

Please help us Congratulate Mrs Elizabeth Moseley for being a 2022-2023 Volunteer of the Year and Thank you Elizabeth for all you have done and continue to do for our organization. 

Piedmont Rabbit Project and Show 

Iredell, Rowan, and Cabarrus County 4-H partnered to host the 2023 Piedmont Rabbit Project and Show. Five Iredell 4-Hers participated in the 6 week project. Over the course of the 6 weeks, youth learned how to care for, raise, and show a rabbit. At the conclusion of the project, all the youth gathered at the Rowan County Fairgrounds for the Rabbit Show. All the youth that participated had a great time and learned a lot about raising and showing rabbits! The youth who participated were: Maddie Young, Finnea Bridges, Mckinleigh Settle, Charleigh Settle, and Charlotte Nimmons

County Activity Day 

On May 4th, 8 4-Hers participated in the 4-H Presentation Competition at our County Activity Day. Participants included Trinity Boller, Cooper Grebe, Raelynn Grebe, Abbie Miller, Anna Maine, McKinleigh Settle, Isabella Donahue, and Clarissa Donahue. Our presentation judges this year was Kathy Bunton, Extension Volunteer, Kelly Pierce, 4-H Program Associate, and Nancy Keith, County Extension Director. All members achieved gold in their topic and age category and can all advance to District Activity Day on June 17th. By competing at County Activity Day, all members received $10 in Clover Bucks which can be used to help offset the cost of other 4-H events they wish to attend. Depending on the topic category, members also have a chance to receive monetary awards at District Activity Day (and State Presentation Finals, if eligible) depending on how they place in their age and topic category. We wish them the best of luck at District Activity Day this month!

NC 4-H Congress 

Spend 4 days, 3 nights, with other 4-H teens from across the state at NC 4-H Congress! While on the campus of NC State University, you can expect to participate in many different events and activities (see flyer below). When: July 22-25 Where: Raleigh, NC State University Campus Cost: Iredell County Cooperative Extension will help offset the original cost ($250 + lodging) which includes registration fees, most meals, program supplies, and a t-shirt. Who can attend: Teens ages 13-18 Transportation provided if needed. Contact Adreanna by June 21st to register, or 704-873-0507

Youth Voice

We are looking for one youth, age 14-18 to represent Iredell County at the NCACC Youth Summit. This is an all expense paid overnight trip to Raleigh where youth will gather and learn about county government, meet with county commissioners, participate in different activities, and meet other 4-Hers. Contact Adreanna for more information, or 704-873-0507.


Extension has daily slots on the local radio station, WAME 92.9FM/550AM! 

Check them out at 6:40am and 6:40pm 

Mondays-      Adreanna White-Foxx & Kelly Pierce for 4-H/Youth Development 

Tuesdays-       Andrea Sherrill for Family & Consumer Science

Wednesdays- Melinda Roberts for Horticulture

Thursdays-     Laura Elmore and Jenny Carleo for Crops and

Fridays-          Nancy Keith, Dairy and Extension Director News

Need to get in touch with Extension Staff?

--Just click on the person below--
Nancy Keith: County Extension Director, Dairy 
Andrea Sherrill: Family & Consumer Science 
Jenny Carleo:  Area Specialized Agent, Grain Crops 
Laura Elmore: Livestock and Crops
Adreanna White-Foxx: 4-H and Youth Development
Kelly Pierce: 4-H Program Associate
Melinda Roberts: Horticulture

Associate Support Staff: 
Beth Cloninger
Latoya Boller

NC Cooperative Extension 
Iredell County Center
444 Bristol Drive Statesville NC 28677

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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