Selecting Replacement Heifers from Your Herd
Every cattleman knows that replacement heifers are a big investment of time or money, and in some cases both! Many times growing replacement heifers from your herd is a good idea since you know the genetics you are adding. If you are a fall calving herd, you have most likely weaned your calves by now and will be evaluating those heifers as potential replacements. Here are a few tips for selecting replacement heifers:
1. The first thing to do is cull heifers that are (1) born late in the calving season, (2) from cows that have big teats/bad udders, (3) are nervous or have an attitude problem, (4) from cows you had to assist in calving, (5) from cows with bad feet and/or (6) were small at weaning.
2. Select heifers from older cows in the herd. These cows have worked in your production system. There’s a reason they’ve stayed in your herd a few years or more. Hopefully these heifers will continue these positive traits.
3. Look hard at the bigger heifers. More than likely they are older (born earlier in the calving season = fertility) and have good growth potential.
4. Heifers need enough condition to be healthy. Overly fat heifers could be below average milkers and thin heifers could be hard doers and have low fertility.
5. If you have access to EPD’s use them to help you select traits to positively impact your herd’s production.
6. Select for longevity. Sound udders, feet & legs and all around correct structure will allow these heifers to work in your herd for a long time reducing the cost of developing replacements more often.
7. Know your goals as well as your resources (feed, labor, management) and select heifers that will work under these parameters. Extremes at both ends may be an issue. Larger framed cattle with limited feed resources can be a recipe for disaster.
Selection and management of your replacement heifers is very important. These decisions will impact your herd for years to come. Be sure to evaluate your replacement heifers carefully.
For more information please contact Allison Brown at 828-632-4451 or email: