
Brighter & Warmer Days Are Ahead - June Newsletter
June 1, 2021

Meet Our New Administrative Support Specialist – Melena Dillingham
Cooperative Extension is Fully Staffed Again!!

A New Face To Greet You
Henderson County Cooperative Extension has a new face to greet clients as they come through our doors. Melena Dillingham joined the Extension staff on May 1 as our new Administrative Support Specialist.
Woodland Whimsey at Bullington Gardens

“To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play,” Albert Einstein

Bullington has long been a place for many students to learn about science through nature, but after a long year, we’re also giving them an opportunity to expand their imagination.  Creativity and imagination help children learn to be problem solvers, think up new ideas, and improve I.Q.   And the fairy gardens are all about imagination.

Will Cicadas Sing the Song of
Their People in 2021?

You may have heard in the news about the 17-year’ periodical cicada’ Brood X that will be making noise in certain areas of the country. That is true. In places like Washington DC, north Georgia, east Tennessee, Indiana, and Ohio the noisy insects will create a noise as loud as a lawnmower, ruining outdoor events and disturbing patio sitters.
Livestock & Ruminant Workshops

We have (2) great events upcoming for
Livestock and Small Ruminants.  For more information and to register, follow the link below.
Blooming at Bullington Gardens

In the early 1970s when Bob Bullington established his home, garden and nursery on what is now Bullington Gardens, he collected many interesting and unusual plants.  At the time, plants from Asia were gaining in popularity in the U.S. and Bullington took part in that wave.

Join Us! EFNEP Facebook Live!
Each month, NC EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program) provides a Facebook Live session where a guest chef demonstrates a delicious and simple recipe for families to try at home. This month’s Facebook live will....

4-H Embryology Program!

4-H Embryology “pipped” the interest of 2nd graders in over 50 classrooms across the county’s elementary schools and charter schools this spring.

Learn More »
Invasive Plant ID and Removal Workshop

Agents Steve Pettis and Karen Blaedow are partnering with Henderson County Soil & Water Conservation District to host an Invasive Plant ID and Removal Workshop on Friday, June 11 from 9:30am-12:00pm on the campus of Rugby Middle School and you are invited! Whether you are interested in invasive plant removal or you just want to volunteer to help protect WNC streambanks this workshop is for you.
Save the Date-Tomato Field Day 2021

After a year apart we are happy to announce that the 2021 Tomato Field Day is scheduled to be in-person at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center on Thursday, August 12, 2021. Save the Date for this wonderful event!
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

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