Maintain Don't Gain, Voluntary Farmland Preservation, Health Coverage Enrollment, Navigating the Digital Realm, Thanksgiving Leftovers, Livestock Judging Meeting, & much MORE!!!
It’s getting to that holiday time between Thanksgiving and New Years, when many of us put on a few pounds. It is a hectic time, and also a time that can be full of tasty foods and drinks. It isn’t surprising that our weight creeps up on us. Since 2006, NC State University and the NC Division of Public Health have partnered to bring us the Eat Smart, Move More, Maintain, don’t gain! Holiday Challenge.
Over the last two decades, WNC AgOptions has distributed more than $3.5 million to farmers in WNC who are diversifying their operations. AgOptions recipients have used their grant awards to strengthen their farm businesses. WNC AgOptions grant cycle is now OPEN!
Have You Devised an Animal Health Plan for Your Farm
Do you have an animal health plan in place? If not, it may be a good idea to sit down and plan ahead. An animal health plan can include things such as when to vaccinate, work your livestock, or what to do when a natural disaster strikes.
McDowell County has established a Voluntary Farmland Preservation Program to protect and preserve agricultural lands and activities. Learn about the qualifications for this program and the benefits of enrolling your land in the Voluntary Agricultural District Program.
To ensure that every member of the community has access to essential healthcare services, McDowell Access to Care and Health is organizing a Health Coverage Enrollment Event on Tuesday, December 5, Foothills Food Hub, 263 Barnes Rd, Marion.
Cybercriminals employ various tactics to deceive and compromise unsuspecting users. One essential aspect of safeguarding your online presence is paying careful attention to website addresses. We will explore this tip and others at Safe Surfing: Navigating the Online World Safely.
Mastering Mobile: The Basics of Using a Mobile Device
In an era where mobile devices have become an integral part of daily life, the digital landscape can sometimes seem daunting. Mastering Mobile: The Basics of Using a Mobile Device is designed to provide a gentle introduction to the world of smartphones and tablets.
What to Do With Thanksgiving Leftovers It feels like time goes by so quick and we are now looking at celebrating Thanksgiving again! With Thanksgiving time, we always have leftover turkey. A leftover turkey sandwich is always the first thing that comes to mind. This year, why not take the leftovers and turn it into a Quesadilla?
Livestock Judging Interest Meeting There will be a Livestock Judging Interest Meeting November 16, 6 p.m. at N.C. Cooperative Extension Office, 60 East Court St., Marion. Livestock Judging is open to youth the ages of 8-18 as of January 1, 2023.
McDowell Young Guns Compete at State 4-H Tournament On September 30, four McDowell 4-Hers traveled to Millstone 4-H Camp in Ellerbe for the 2023 State 4-H Shooting Sports Tournament. The tournament was the biggest yet with over 350 youth from all over NC competing.
4-H Share the Warmth Campaign Was a Huge Success!!! McDowell 4-H partnered with McDowell Access to Care and Health, McDowell Mission Ministries Alliance, Marion Moose Lodge and Project Challenge to hold a huge winter coat distribution. We had over 2,000 coats to give out to people in our community.
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.