
April 2024 Newsletter
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April 2024
As April unfolds, our Extension programs are gearing up for a season of growth and community engagement. From gardening workshops, youth presentations, and summer camp, to family financial literacy classes, our office is buzzing with activities and opportunities to serve Granville County.

Spring is a time of renewal, and our office is at the forefront, offering a wealth of resources and programs tailored to the needs of the community. Ready to work in that garden? Extension agents can provide expert advice from soil health to pest management. Need activities for the young people in your life, there are presentation workshops available to hone their speaking skills and new summer camp opportunities that will keep them learning and having fun.

April serves as an opportune time for our office to connect with the community through outreach events and educational seminars. Whether it is a nutrition workshop or a financial literacy class, agents are dedicated to equipping individuals and families with the knowledge and skills they need to lead healthy, prosperous lives. And please remember to stop by and say hi, when you see us at a community festival or resource fair!

Whether you're a seasoned gardener, a parent looking for enriching activities for your child, or simply someone eager to learn something new, Extension programs have something for everyone this spring. So why not embrace the season of growth and discovery by getting involved with your local Extension office this April?

*Remember to click "view the entire message" at the end of the email to see the entire newsletter.*

Charissa M. Puryear
County Extension Director
Read below for an opportunity to participate in an Agritourism Webinar Series!
Small Farms Week was a Success!
We had an amazing week for Small Farms Week. Thank you to all that participated and contributed to help us make this week happen. We were able to collect 20 meal bags for local families in Granville County during our Food Drive. Our Digital Agent, Ashley Cummings posted several helpful videos on our social media sites on how to use agriculture apps that are available. We distributed wildflower seeds and farmer thank you bags across the county. We hoped to encourage the support of local small farms and raise public awareness about the importance of agriculture.

If you missed out on Small Farms Week, check out our social media for pictures and videos we posted through out the week.
Research to Engage Growers
Field Crops Agent Mikayla Berryhill is working on organizing and managing small-plot and on-farm research trials to help support grower decisions by providing research based information on variety selection, product efficacy, and management decisions. She currently has trials in the field focusing on tobacco greenhouse fertilizer management, wheat variety performance, wheat nitrogen application timing, and cover crop benefits. This summer, she plans to have trials displaying pesticide programs and performance, corn and soybean varieties, deer repellent products, economic benefits of managing wheat straw, and others. Keep an eye out, because she will showcase many of these trials at field days over the summer. You can read about past local research here.

If you have questions about past research that has been performed in the area or would like to see the current trials in the field, reach out to Mikayla Berryhill at 919-603-1350 or
Cover Crop Mix** This is the most recent picture** - Cover crop (or a crop grown that will not be harvested) mix of cereal rye, clover, and vetch.
Cover Crop Planting **this is actually from October, but the plot is currently in the ground** - Cover crop trial being planted on Oxford Tobacco Research Station.
Fire Ant Webinar
Worried about fire ants in your pastures? Join us on April 15 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom to learn more about their biology, behavior, management, and more. The session has been approved for 1 hour of K, N, O, D, & X pesticide credit.

Visit to register or for more information.

Registration Open for the Forage Grower's Conference
Join N.C. Cooperative Extension on Wednesday, April 17 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Antioch Christian Church located at 5789 Antioch Church Road Seagrove, NC 27341 for a deep dive into forage production topics!

Registration will open at 8:30 a.m. and the first presentation will begin at 9:00. There will be breaks between topics to give attendees the chance to interact with the Conference Sponsors/Trade Show.

Topics include:
  • forage management plans/calendars
  • forages species selection (including Native Warm-Season Grasses and niche
  • species)
  • weed control without herbicides
  • soil fertility
  • bale grazing

Speakers include:
  • Dr. Chris Teutsch from the University of Kentucky
  • Brad Thompson Agronomist with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
  • Cody Wright, Producer

This workshop carries three hours of pesticide credits (K, N, O, D, & X) and 3 hours of animal waste credits, so bring your license numbers to the workshop. A hot lunch will be covered by your $20 registration fee. We will wrap up the day by visiting a farm with a Bale Grazing test plot!

Register on Eventbrite.

Contact Kim Woods, Livestock Agent – Person & Granville Counties, at or 919-603-1350 for more information.

Central Piedmont Livestock Show and Sale is Coming Up!
The Central Piedmont Junior Livestock Show and Sale will be held April 9 & 10 in Orange Grove. This event has been going on for over 75 years and we now have grandchildren of some of the first exhibitors showing market animals. Hogs, cattle, sheep and goat will be exhibited by 4-H and FFA members from several surrounding counties, including Granville. We will have the BBQ supper and live auction again this year. Come out and support these kids with their livestock projects.

Show website can be found here: Central Piedmont Livestock Show
Family and Consumer Science
It's National Stress Awareness Month!
April is National Stress Awareness Month and you can join us for our Virtual Lunch N' Learn workshop on "Coping with Stress & Anxiety." Join us on Monday, April 15, 2024 at 2:00 (EDT) to learn about the difference between stress and anxiety, anxiety disorders, and tips on how to cope. Register online at
Become a Scam Detective
Everyone should be aware of the types of scams you may encounter and how to protect yourself. Join us on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 12:00pm for a virtual workshop to recognize the red flags that you're being targeted so you can prevent it from happening to you! Register online at
"Eat the Med Way"
Join us on Monday, April 22, 2024 at 10:00am at the South Granville Senior Center to learn more about the Mediterranean Way of eating and the simple steps you can take to improve your health. This way of eating has been shown to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Call 919-528-0848 to register for this workshop.
*Remember to click "view the entire message" at the end of the email to see the entire newsletter.*
4-H Youth Development
So Proud of Our Junior and Senior Horse Bowl Teams!
On Saturday March 9th our senior and junior Horse Bowl teams competed at the NC STATE 4-H horsebowl competition, after advancing to states at the regional competition in February. The teams fought hard and learned a lot! They are excited to practice and be ready for next year!

Makayla Neal participated in the senior rookie division of hippology and placed second in the state! Congrats Makayla!

4-H Afterschool Fun!
Our afterschool partnership with the boys and girls club and west Oxford elementary continues to go well. To prepare for spring, kids learned about the parts of a flower, and pollinators. To add some fun to their learning, they dressed up as flowers and pollinators and had a friendly competition to see which groups flower attracted the most bees!
Summer Fun Registration is Open!!
Community Information
Scholarship Opportunity Available!
The Granville County Extension Volunteer Association (EVA) will award a $500 college scholarship to one youth and one adult this year. The application packet, found online or at our office, must be submitted to the Extension Center by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, May 1, 2024. More information, including the application, can be found online at
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

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