


April 2024
Events at a Glance...
10th - 4-H Presentations Workshop
12th-13th - NCD Teen Retreat
13th - NCCJ Anyday
15th - Dairy Calf Project Interest Meeting
18th - EmpowerED Teens Workshop
19th-24th - National 4-H Conference
24th - Volunteer Appreciation Reception

7th - County Activity Day and Fashion Revue
16th - EmpowerED Teens Workshop
18th - Tack Room Talk: Equine Law
18th - Betsy's Bash at BJP

Important Dates for 2024
June 15th - District Activity Day
July 7th - 12th - Guilford County at BJP
July 16th - Guilford Dairy Show
July 22nd - 26th - 4-H Congress
August 9th - 10th - Youth Voice

Want to see what's coming up in Guilford County? View our calendar in real time!


VLA's next meeting will be July 2nd at 6:30 pm at the Guilford County Office. Any adults who wish to support 4-H are welcome to attend.

NEW! EmpowerED Teens Workshop Series
Join us for this exciting new workshop series for teens! We'll cover topics like resume building, digital safety, and professional skills, and the series will end with a community service project in June (date TBD).

Dinner will be provided on April 18th. Registration is required. You must be 14-18 years old to participate (age as of January 1, 2024). All registered participants MUST be enrolled in 4-HOnline before April 18th. Questions? Email Meredith.
Citizen Science Program Needs Your Help Observing the Weather!

The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow network, or CoCoRaHS, is seeking new volunteer weather observers across the great state of North Carolina. CoCoRaHS was established in 2007 to obtain a better understanding of local weather and climate patterns by taking daily weather observations using a simple, low-cost rain gauge.

Volunteers may obtain an official rain gauge through the CoCoRaHS website for about $35 plus shipping. Besides the need for an official 4-inch plastic rain gauge, volunteers are asked to review simple training modules online and use the CoCoRaHS website to submit their reports. The process takes only five minutes a day, but the impact is tenfold: by providing high quality, accurate measurements, the observers are able to supplement existing networks and provide useful data to scientists, resource managers, and decision makers.

How does one become a CoCoRaHS observer? Go to the CoCoRaHS website, and click on the "Join CoCoRaHS" emblem on the upper right side of the website. After registering, take the simple online training, order your 4-inch rain gauge, and start reporting!
Dog Artistic Expression Competition

The Dog Artistic Expression Contest is back for 2024! Use your creativity to share your love of our canine friends.

More Information
Upcoming State Livestock Events

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

Extension's 4-H program is the largest youth development organization in North Carolina. We help over 247,000 young people grow into active, contributing citizens each year.

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