MAY 2024
In This Issue:
Native Pollinator Guide
Celebrating April Extension Events
Citizen Science Tick Tests
Eating the Med Way Recipe
Upcoming Classes & Workshops
Upcoming Events
Supplemental Resources
Strawberry season means paying a visit to your local farms and produce markets for some fresh pickings! Check out the NC Farm App to find locations near you.
Native Pollinator Guide
Late spring is the time for sowing seeds and planting summer transplants! Our summer bounty of NC crops would not exist without the wonderful work of pollinators. This guide lists excellent native pollinator-attracting plants that will keep our gardens flourishing for years to come. The birds, butterflies, and bees will thank you!
City of Greensboro Earth Day Celebration
We had a great time at the Earth Day Celebration put on by the Greensboro Office of Sustainability and Resilience in April! Check out the results of our Earth Day activity, where participants used water color made from natural dyes (beet juice dye, coffee dye, butterfly pea tea dye) to illustrate what they are grateful for that the Earth provides! Come by our office to see the full completed community art piece.
We represented the NC Cooperative Extension Guilford County Center with an information table, alongside the Extension Master Gardeners of Guilford County and the Extension Master Gardener volunteers Youth Committee. Thanks to Guilford County 4-H we also provided pollinator bracelets with beads symbolizing the important elements of nature that support the bee's life cycle. Our Community & School Garden Program also provided free cucumber seeds to participants!
Spotlight on Food Security
In 2022, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners established the Food Security Program through countyβs Cooperative Extension office using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Our work includes improving access to food,
building the capacity of existing organizations that connect people to food, strengthening our farming system and farmersβ markets, minimizing food waste and improving food reclamation.
A brainstorming session at the April Steering Committee Meeting.
Since it's establishment, the Food Security Program has gotten to work on several projects, including the formation of a Food Security Steering Committee. This Committee had another successful meeting in April and is comprised of 15 individuals across
Guilford County, representing a wide range of populations, defined by who they serve or by their own identities. Ultimately, each committee member will serve as a leader in a project of their choice that will focus on bettering food security in their communities over the coming year.
Food Security Program Assistant, Beverly Chester.
Additionally, the Food Security Team highlights the importance of grant-writing education in our community. Together, Cooperative Extension and the Triad Black Faith Leaders Network worked together on a grant which was successfully awarded! Now, the
TBFLN has the education and experience of writing grants that will create new opportunities in the future.Β
Cooperative Extension has partnered with Fuse, a national non-profit focused on improving equity and innovation in local governments to bring an Executive Fuse Fellow to Guilford County. Jennie Ann is in the process of confirming IRB approval for a Photovoice Project that will be conducted over the next year. Collectively, these actions form the groundwork for improved grassroots leadership and a stronger food system for Guilford County.
4-H Retreat
On April 12th and 13th, 4-H teens from across the North Central District gathered at Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Center in Reidsville for a weekend of networking, community service, professional development, and fun! Over 40 youth attended, and we packed 25 goody bags for soldiers that included at least one handwritten note from 4-Hβers in attendance. This event was planned by the North Central District 4-H officers that were elected by their peers at last yearβs Teen Retreat. The team elected last weekend will be inducted during NC 4-H Congress in July.Β
In April, 4-H and FCS hosted a program with the Pathways program from the Family Justice Center. Youth learned all about plants and what they need to grow, as well as how to make healthy choices when cooking. Youth learned kitchen safety, knife skills and made an amazing chicken and vegetable pasta with pesto.Β
EmpowerED Teens
May 16th is the third session of the new EmpowerED Teens workshop series. Teens aged 14-18 are invited to attend this series for networking and professional/personal development. This opportunity is in-person at the Guilford County Ag Center. Teens can still register to attend even if they have not attended the first two sessions. Contact Meredith Kreeger for interest.
We're Celebrating our Extension Volunteers!
Last Wednesday, we celebrated many incredible Extension volunteers at the Volunteer Appreciation Reception! We had over 60 people in attendance along with our Extension Staff and it was wonderful to hear all of the stories about the many ways in which volunteers work with us to multiply our efforts and serve the community. Programs represented were Guilford County 4-H , Guilford County Family and Consumer Sciences Department, Food Security, and the Extension Master Gardener volunteersβ of Guilford County.
Ernestine Alston won a 2023 NC 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award for Guilford County 4-H!
Consumer Horticulture Staff with (from left) Nancy Seay and Deb Frisbee, who were celebrated for an incredible 25 years of service to the Extension Master Gardener volunteers.
Food Security Coordinator Alyssa McKim (right) with Food Security volunteer Susan Cox.
Thank you to all of our volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to making our Programs outstanding! We could not operate without you! Speaking of amazing volunteers, most of these photos were taken by the wonderful Colette Corr, an Extension Master Gardener volunteer.Β
Community & School Gardens Agent, Crystal Mercer, and Horticulture Agent, Taylor Jones, picking up $1,000 worth of herb transplants from the Guilford County Farm Plant Sale.
Free Herbs for School Gardens!
Earlier this year, Community & School Gardens Agent Crystal Mercer applied for a grant to receive herbs for school gardens from The Davis Education Fund of the North Carolina Unit of the Herb Society of America. In April, we were notified that $1,000 was awarded to the Community and School Gardens Program to purchase herb transplants for Guilford County School Gardens. Herbs were purchased at the annual spring plant sale at the Guilford County Farm Greenhouse, and have since been distributed to schools!
Food Security - SNAP Sun Bucks
The Food Security Program is working towards getting more families enrolled in Sun Bucks, the summer food assistance program through SNAP. Over 300 paper flyers have been distributed and over 1,000 people are aware of the program thanks to digital distribution. Learn more or contact Beverly Chester for more information.
Learn More about the Extension Master Gardener volunteersβ .
Horticulture - Learn about the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program
There are 90k+ Extension Master Gardener (EMG) volunteersβ across the United States who deliver research-based information and gardening education that supports and protects local communities and plants everywhere. Here in Guilford County, we are grateful for our 100+ active Extension Master Gardener volunteersβ that support our Karen C. Neill Demonstration Garden, Infoline, βAsk a Master Gardenerβ Booth, and other horticultural education programming. Last year, Guilford County had 102 Certified EMG volunteers and Interns that dedicated 7,277.25 hours toward serving residents of Guilford County and beyond. In 2023, NC State Extension Master Gardener volunteers contributed 225,136 volunteer hours, or an estimated $6.7 million of volunteer time,
and reached 280,934 North Carolina residents.
Soil Tests Free After April 1st Testing Services for Nutrients and pH is provided by the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Soils Lab for free to North Carolina residents except during peak season (December 1- March 31) when there is a $4 fee. Soil test boxes are available at the Ag Center. Please mail your soil test boxes to the testing lab in Raleigh using the address listed on the form. Learn More
Got Ticks?
The Guilford County Division of Public Health is partnering with NCSU to distribute free tick collection kits, inviting citizens to join as community scientists for a study documenting tick species encountered in North Carolina. Participants must be 18 years or older and are required to collect ticks (found on humans and not pets), complete a survey, and send their findings via mail in a postage-paid return envelope. Pick up your free kit from the Environmental Health Division on the 3rd floor of the Guilford County Department of Health and Human Services at 1203 Maple St. in Greensboro, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Learn More.
Med instead Meds - Recipe of the Month
Eating like those who live in the Mediterranean region has been shown to promote health and decrease risk of many chronic diseases. The Med Way includes healthy and nutritious meals that are also delicious and satisfying. We teach Eating the Med Way through the Family & Consumer Sciences Program.Β
Shaking Portobello Mushrooms
This entree borrows from the famous Vietnamese dish that gets its American name from the constant shaking of the pan to cook the ingredients without burning. This vegetarian recipe uses savory mushrooms instead of the traditional beef.
Upcoming Classes & Workshops
Grow With Us |
For 2024, the Extension Master Gardenerβ volunteers will be offering free gardening classes to the public both virtually and in-person. Feel free to sign up for as many classes as you like!
Workforce Ready Classes |
First 3 Wednesday's of the Month
10am-12pm at NC Works Career Center
In a series of hands-on classes, learn digital skills applicable in the workplace. Each class covers a unique topic. Research agrees that as workers develop their digital skills portfolio their hirability and pay rate will also increase.
NC State College of Education Workshops & Listening Session |
May 13th, 2024
5:30pm-7:30pm at the Ag Center
Join in conversations & workshops about education-related resources and needs for kids learning at home or outside of school. Choose 1 of 3 available workshops with dinner provided.Β
Canning with Cooperative Extension - Strawberry Jam |
May 14th, 2024
5:30pm-7:30pm at the Ag Center
Join FCS Agent Vincent Webb to learn more about canning strawberry jam and take home your own batch!
Digital Literacy: What Is Artificial Intelligence? |
May 14th, 21st, 28th,Β Β 2024
4-5pm at the High Point Public Library
In this hands-on series for tweens, learn about the different ways AI is already a part of your daily life. Practice using it for greater personal and professional productivity.
Eat The Med Way: Plant-Based Edition |
May 16th, 2024
12-12:30pm, Online
Learn kitchen skills and cooking tips for great meals with FCS Agent, Vincent Webb. In this session, you will learn how to build plant-based meals that reinforce the habits of the Mediterranean eating pattern.
Equine Law: Tack Room Talk |
May 18th, 2024
1pm-3pm at the Ag Center
Join us as guest speakers cover each stage of horse ownership and provide helpful insight to make it an enjoyable experience for all parties. The topics will include buying/leasing a horse, boarding contracts, liability for injuries, insurance and more!
Get Ready for 2024 Summer Fun with 4-H!
Guilford County 4-H is offering a wide variety of camps this summer for youth of all ages, fromΒ technology to agriculture and everything in between join us for a summer of learning, adventure, and FUN!
Upcoming Events
Our annual Pass-Along Plant Sale returns THIS WEEKEND, May 3-4th! All appointment slots are filled for Friday morning, but there is open shopping Noon-3pm on Friday and 9am-1pm Saturday.
Join in conversations & workshops about education-related resources and needs for kids learning at home or outside of school. Register Here.
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NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
N.C. Cooperative Extension - Guilford County Center, 3309 Burlington Rd, Greensboro, NC 27405, United States Click here to unsubscribe