In this issue:
Forage Meetings
Wool Pool
Sheep Health
Pasture Walk
Eq. for Rent
Beef Repro Training
Calendar of Events
Be sure and reach out if we can be of assistance at 336-593-8179 or
The Stokes County Cattlemen's Association is going to take a break through the summer and we hope to see you again in September.
Thanks - April Bowman,
Livestock and Forages Extension Agent |
Forage Meetings
Establishment of native warm-season grasses, Jason Smith, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, July 10, 2-3 pm. Registration link.
Graze 300 program, Bobby Clark, Virginia Tech, August 22, 3-4 pm. Registration link.
The science behind organic soil amendments for pastures, Alex Woodley, NC State, September 19, 3-4 pm. Registration link.
Stockpiled tall fescue for winter grazing, Miguel Castillo, NC State, October 3, 3-4 pm. Registration link.
Wool Resources
We have developed a shearing list and posted it on our website along with a list of veterinarians, farriers, livestock insurance and equipment for rent. It's a work in progress. There will be a Wool Pool in August in Virginia and we hope to provide collection and transportation from Stokes County. We should know more soon; save your wool.
If you have wool, I would advise you to join a local Fiber Association (or two or three).
The flies are already bad, so I thought I would share this article on types and control for flies.
Read and follow label directions including withdrawal times before slaughter.
Ticks are also a problem, so I would encourage you to use products that are also labeled for tick control.
FAQ & Email Updates on Our Website
We have developed a Frequently Asked Questions section on our website. Visit it at
You can also access copies of previous email updates from our site at |
Sheep and Goat Health Field Day
Tuesday, August 13, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Join Dr. Truman Sanner from Rocky Creek Veterinariy Services at Sunset Acres north of King to learn about parasites, vaccines, and how to draw blood for pregnancy and disease testing.
Please Register at by August 12. |
Egg-Cellent Egg
Youth may submit up to 2 packs of 1/2 dozen eggs by September 17 to be judged on their quality at the annual Egg-Cellent Egg Judging Competition. Register at
** IMPORTANT DATES to remember: (Dates are subject to change)
August 2 - Registration Ends
August 6 at 5:30pm - Initial Training via zoom - Zoom will be recorded
August 22 - Egg-citing, In Depth Egg Training- Zoom will be recorded
August 23 - Registration fee is due to the Hoke County Office
September 18 - Eggs & supplemental portion submissions due
October 3 at 5:30 pm - Winners announced on Zoom
Beef Reproduction Conference
The Applied Studies in Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Conference will be held September 4-5 at the Classic Center in Athens, Georgia. Visit to view the schedule and to register. Registration closes August 20th. |
American Lamb Board Climate Smart Grant Pasture Walk
Join us July 10 from 6-8 pm in Roxboro, NC for the American Lamb Board Climate Smart Grant Pasture Walk. This evening event will include a tour of a solar grazing site, discussion of plant identification and grazing behavior, and opportunities to participate as a producer in the American Lamb Board Climate Smart Grant. Register at |
BQA Awards
2025 Beef Quality Assurance Producer Award Nomination Application. Funded by National Cattlemen's Beef Association and Cargill, the awards will honor those operations that recognize outstanding members of the beef industry in five categories: Cow Calf, Feedyard, Dairy, Educator and “Marketer”.
Is there a cow calf, dairy or feedyard operation in your state that exemplifies BQA principles? Be creative in how you might nominate a Marketer (in the past, a transportation company was nominated and won). Who will you nominate as BQA Educator? There are so many excellent choices!
Be descriptive with industry outreach and advocacy as well as BQA in action. Focus on specific strengths that make the operation or individual unique.
Winners will be celebrated at the 2025 Cattle Industry Convention in San Antonio, Texas. NCBA will cover airfare, three nights hotel, and registrations for two award winners per category. We will also cover one registration and one night hotel for the winning nominator. What a deal! |
Poultry Management
Join us on Tuesday, July 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the Stokes Extension Center at 700 Main Street, Danbury. Our Area Specialized Poultry Specialist, Jonas Asbill will join us via Zoom, as we review some best management practices in regards to caring for your flock. We'll cover nutritional requirements and housing considerations, as well as a basic overview on health and common poultry diseases.
Please register at
Here are some resources related to caring for backyard chickens from NC State Extension. |
Dairy Goat Management for the Homesteader
Interested in raising dairy goats? Join Area Specialized Dairy Agent, Marti Day, via Zoom for a discussion about feeding your dairy goat. We will discuss nutrition, as well as visual hay analysis versus chemical analysis. In addition, we will also share information about milk quality, mastitis, and food safety. Register at
Frankly, North Carolina doesn't have a lot of research-based information on dairy goats, so I'm excited that we get to offer this course. In the meantime, check out this information from the University of Missouri |
Pasture Walk - Save the Date
We are planning a Pasture Walk on Tuesday, September 24 at 6:30 p.m. We will discuss rotational grazing, cost-share assistance and other programs from Soil and Water Conservation, forage species, and more.
I think it's worth mentioning that it's extremely difficult to meet the needs of a lactating female of any species, using our traditional Kentucky 31 type Fescue varieties. Come learn about some improved forage varieties at this pasture walk. You can also learn more about the nutritional needs of goats at the two aforementioned workshops. |
Got Questions?
We took our most frequently asked livestock questions and made a Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers) page. Check it out. |
Equipment Available for Rent
We have updated our list of equipment that is available for rent which includes 30 Tartar cattle panels on a tag along protable trailer and a hay moisture/temperature probe. |
Feeder Calf Sales
The 2024 Graded Feeder Calf Sale Dates have been released. All sales are on a Thursday: June 20, August 8, September 26, and November 14. Calves must be CONSIGNED and have a sale ear tag in them prior to bringing them to the sale, as well as be pre-weaned, and properly vaccinated. Visit |
August Tel-O-Auction Cattle Sale, Patrick County, Virginia
Patrick County, Virginia plans to hold a cattle Tel-O-Auction on August 19th. Interested producers should call the Patrick County Extension office at 276-3341 or 276-692-8289 (Kristy Hughes) before June 28.
June 28 Consignment Deadline; Order VQA tags at $1 each
July 6 Cattle must be weaned
July 8 Final date to administer the first round of shots by a BQA certified individual (Bovishield Gold 5, Ultrabac 7)
August 5 Final date to administer the second round of shots by a BQA certified individual (Bovishileld Gold One Shot, Ultrabac 7)
2023-2024 NC Small Ruminant Improvement Program Webinar Recordings
Recordings from this year's webinar series can be found HERE |
Carolina Meat and Value-Added Dairy Conference
The Carolina Meat Conference and Value-Added Dairy Conference is July 29-31 in Boone.
There are opportunities for scholarships, sponsorships, and volunteering at this conference. Visit to learn more. |
NC Farm and Food Products Listing
NCDA&CS is releasing a weekly list of food and food products available for sale. You can apply to be added to the list and/or view the list on their site at |
Tips and Tidbits
You can submit soil samples for no fee April through November to the NCDA&CS Agronomic laboratory. Kits are available for free in our office. |
Livestock Emergency Response Trainings
Visit the North Carolina Animal Emergency Response Working Group website/ NCAERWG to access the list of upcoming trainings and to register. Registration is required. |
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Calendar of Livestock Events |
June 20 Feeder Calf Sale, Stanly County Livestock Market, Norwood
June 21-23 Showdown in the Foothills. Sheep & Goat Show, Lenoir (Caldwell Co.)
June 27-29 NC Sheep and Goat Roundup, Winston-Salem (so much more than "just" a show!!!)
July 4 Office Closed for Independence Day
July 10 Establishment of Native Warm Season Grasses, Zoom, 2-3 p.m.
July 10 American Lamb Board Climate Smart Grant Pasture Walk, Roxboro, 6-8 p.m.
July 13-14 Foothills Firecracker Showdown (Livestock Show), King, NC
July 16 Caring for Chickens, 6:30 p.m., Stokes Extension, 700 Main Street, Danbury
July 22 Dairy Goat Management, 6:30 p.m. Stokes Extension, 700 Main Street, Danbury
July 29-31 Carolina Meat Conference, Boone
August 2 Registration closes for the 4-H Egg-cellent Egg Conest.
August 8 Feeder Calf Sale, Stanly County Livestock Market, Norwood
August 9-10 NC Jr. Beef Roundup
August 13 Sheep and Goat Health Field Day, 6:30-8:30 p.m., King Register at
Aug 22 Graze 300 Program, Zoom, 3-4 p.m.
September 4-5 Beef Reproductive Strategies Conference, Athens, GA;
September 17 Egg-cellent Eggs due for 4-H Egg Judging Contest
Sept 19 Organic Soil Amendments for Pastures, Zoom, 3-4 p.m.
September 24 Pasture Walk, 6:30 p.m. - Save the Date
September 26 Feeder Calf Sale, Stanly County Livestock Market, Norwood
October 3 Stockpiled Tall Fescue for Winter Grazing, Zoom, 3-4 p.m.
November 14 Feeder Calf Sale, Stanly County Livestock Market, Norwood |
**Disclaimer: The use of brand names and/or any mention or listing of specific commercial products or services herein is solely for educational purposes and does not imply endorsement by NC State University or our partners, nor discrimination against similar brands, products or services not mentioned.
Individuals who use chemicals are responsible for ensuring that the intended use complies with current regulations and conforms to the product label.
N.C. Cooperative Extension promotes equal opportunity and prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon one’s race; color; religion (including belief and non-belief); sex, including but not limited to pregnancy, childbirth or other related medical condition, parenting and sexual harassment; sexual orientation; actual or perceived gender identity; age; national origin; disability; veteran status; genetic information; or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, NC State University will honor requests for reasonable accommodations made by individuals with disabilities. Please direct accommodation requests to: Kim Gressley, and/or 336-703-2851. Requests can be served more effectively if notice is provided at least {10} days before the event.”
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NOTE: This link will unsubscribe you from ALL emails from N.C. Cooperative Extension, Forsyth County Center. To unsubscribe from one email list (ie, livestock) contact April Bowman, at, or 336-593-8179. |