

Macon County 4-H Newsletter
August 2024

Macon Hoofprints 4-H Horse Show
Mark Your Calendar

Saturday October 5th 9:00am

Hunt seat, western, gaited and games classes. Three age groups: 12 and under, 13-17 and 18 and over.  Click on the following link to per-register. 

Email Tammara for the complete class list.

Do You Know About the WNC Pony Express?

Each year the Mountain State Fair send out a Pony Express van to pick up arts and crafts entries from our counties.  That saves you a trip if you would like to enter arts, crafts, woodworking, garden items, etc. in our regional fair.  How does it work?  You go onto the MSF website and register your entries.  They you bring them to the Cooperative Extension office boxed up and protected.  The Pony Express will come pick them up and deliver them back here after the fair.  You will want to go visit the fair (of course) to see how your item placed!!

Go check out the Mountain State Fair website: ( for a description of each category. The Youth Department is for youth ages 6 to 19.  A separate category is "Participation" and that is for kids 5 and under.

Youth Horticultural Products
Youth Agronomic Products
Youth Art
Youth Photography
Youth Baked Foods
Youth Preserved Foods
Youth Crafts
Youth Clothing
Youth Quilted Items
Youth Hand Weaving and Spinning
Youth Jewelry
Youth Wood Crafts
Youth Building Blocks
Youth Recycling
Youth Flower and Garden
Youth Poultry Egg Show

Make sure you have your items into our office by Monday August 26th.

Congratulations to our 2024 Livestock Judging Team

This team has practiced weekly throughout the summer to learn different livestock breeds, characteristics and how to judge the best quality.  4-Her from across North Carolina met up this week to show off their knowledge.  Let's congratulate them for a job well done.

Team Evaluation - 1st Place Team
ID/Written Test - 2nd Place Team
Overall  Team- 2nd Place Team
                                                                 Sheep Judging and Overall - 1st Place Macie Ledford

2024 Team: Lane Boatwright, Ben Ledford, Kenleigh Deal and Macie Ledford. Great Job!!

Make Sure You Re-enroll

Please make sure you have re-enrolled for 2024.  If you have questions, please call Tammara at 828-349-2046.
Club Corner
Macon Mountain Goats 4-H Club

Our goat club is getting ready for our fall showing season. They are practicing their showmanship and proper showing techniques.  Please watch Facebook for your next practice time and place. 
Macon Archers

Here we go to competition.  Our West District Tournament will be on Saturday August 10th.  Please wish us luck and good shooting.  We will have a range workday on Thursday August 15.  Please bring your rakes and pitchforks.  We will start at 4:30. 

Our meeting dates this month will be August 8, 15, 22 and 29.
Macon Sharp Shooters

Thank you for all those coaches and shooters that helped with our Jackson-Macon mini-tournament in July.  We met some new shooters and were able to practice for our upcoming District Tournament.  Rifle will also compete on August 10th.
Budding Chefs and Top Chefs

Our dates this month are August 13th for Top Chefs and August 14th for Budding Chefs.

Sassy Stitchers

Our first meeting of the fall will be in September. Thank you to our volunteers for helping us with summer projects to keep our skills "sharp".

4-H Market Lamb Club

We will have two multi-county lamb clinics this month: State Livestock Specialist Brent Jennings will be here on Thursday August 8th and we will also practice on Thursday August 22nd. 

We will also be showing at the Swain County Fair on Saturday August 24th. Make sure Joe knows if you are interested in showing at Swain County.
4-H WHEP (Wildlife Habitat Educational Program)

Our WHEP group has had a fun camping trip at Lake Chatuge in July.  We will take the month of August off and start back in September. 

Macon 4-H Beekeepers

This month we extracted our honey and were able to treat our bees for killer mites. In August, we will bottle, label and start selling honey to help fund our take home hives.  We will meet on Wednesday August 14th and 28th.  Watch for an email to see where we will meet. 
August Calendar
Macon Archers 5:00 & 6:00
Top Chefs, Budding Chefs 3:45pm
13, 14
Macon 4-H Beekeepers 5:30
14, 28
Pony Express Items Due
Market Lamb Clinics 6:00
8, 22
West District 4-H Shooting Sports Tournament 8:30 am
Swain County Fair
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

Extension's 4-H program is the largest youth development organization in North Carolina. We help over 247,000 young people grow into active, contributing citizens each year.

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