The 2024 North Carolina State 4-H Horse Program Educational Teams recently wrapped up a successful fall contest season at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup in Louisville, Kentucky. Over 240 youth from 24 different states participated in the largest youth equine educational competition in the country. The North Carolina Horsebowl and Horse Judging team both placed first in their respective contests. The North Carolina Hippology team finished in third, and the Communications team placed fourth overall. Two North Carolina 4-H’ers won high individual awards and $500 scholarships for their performances in their events. Wake County 4-H’er Emmy Creek won high scoring individual honors in Horsebowl, and
Cayden Lowe from Currituck County captured high individual honors in Horse Judging.
The NCSU Extension Equine Husbandry staff is very proud of the hard work and effort that all the youth and coaches poured into representing the state in these events. Our teams owe a huge thank you to The Dale Earnhardt Foundation for supporting their competitive endeavors this season. The North Carolina State 4-H Horse program is also appreciative of the support of the North Carolina State Animal Science Department, North Carolina 4-H, and North Carolina Cooperative Extension.
To see more detailed and individual results from Quarter Horse Congress and Eastern Nationals, please click here.
2024 NC 4-H Communications Team
4th Place Eastern Nationals L to R: Paige Bundy, Emerson Page,
Eva Taylor, Zoe Teemer Coaches: Sarah Wolfgang and Cameron Lowe (not pictured Laura Hollifield)
2024 NC 4-H Horsebowl Team
Eastern National Horsebowl Team Champions
Quarter Horse Congress Team Champions L to R: Dai Akers, Allee Coble,
Beth Morgan (Coach),
Faith Waelz, Emmy Creek,
Bryleigh Colbert
2024 NC 4-H Hippology Team
3rd Place Eastern Nationals
Reserve Champions Quarter Horse Congress L to R: Megan Montgomery, Lillian Sproles,
Graham Zeiders, Mary Dickerson (Coach),
Ruth Vorder Bruegge (Coach) Makenah Allred
2024 NC 4-H Horse Judging Team
2024 Eastern National Champion Horse Judging Team
4th Place Quarter Horse Congress L to R: Charlize Colon, Sara Richardson,
Charli Williams, Cayden Lowe, Sarah Wolfgang (Coach)
(not pictured Samantha Taylor)
2024 Eastern
Emmy Creek
High Individual Horsebowl
2024 Eastern Nationals
Sara Richardson
High Individual Performance Judging
2024 Eastern Nationals
Charli Williams
Reserve High Individual Horse Judging
2024 Eastern Nationals
Cayden Lowe
High Individual Horse Judging
2024 "Triple Crown" Winners
Congratulations to Sara Richardson and Allee Coble for the outstanding accomplishment of being a member of an Eastern National Champion Horsebowl, Hippology, and Horse Judging Team. Sara (Chatham County), was on the winning Horsebowl team in 2022, Hippology in 2023, and Horse Judging in 2024. Allee (Alamance County) was on the winning Hippology team in 2022, Judging in 2023, and Hosebowl in 2024.
2025 Achievement Award Applications due March 1 |
The NC 4-H Horse Program Achievement Awards recognize the accomplishments of 4-H'ers, with a specific focus on horse program achievements that is cumulative beginning with the applicant’s first year in the horse program. Award levels are on a points-based system that groups like activities completed based on the level of involvement and ranks them. (See the application form for specifics on activities/points/levels).
There are 4 levels of accomplishment that youth can apply to earn annually. Youth can potentially earn more than level (especially the first year they apply).
Bronze: 150 points, bronze patch
Silver: 300 points, silver patch
Gold: 450 points, gold patch
Emerald: 700 points, embroidered jacket
For additional details, the application, and a video on how to complete the application, visit this page on the website: https://equinehusbandry.ces.ncsu.edu/forms-popular-links/nc-4-h-horse-program-achievement-awards/
2025 NC 4-H Scholarship Applications
NC 4-H Scholarship Information is now available.
Eligibility: Current NC 4-H members who are high school seniors with at least three years of 4-H experience.
Submission Requirements: One PDF file containing all required documents except the Financial Need Statement (to be mailed separately). A separate PDF of the applicant's résumé is also required.
Essay (required for NC 4-H Horse Program scholarships)
Application Guide: 4-H Scholarship Guide
Due February 3rd, 2025 State 4-H Deadline – (Check with your county for county deadline
Submission Method: All applications must be submitted online through your county 4-H agent. Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted.
Scholarships Available with specific ties to the Horse Program
Edward H. Leagans 4-H Equine Scholarship
Number Awarded: 1
Restrictions: Must be a 4-H’er from Forsyth County or the West Central District who has been an outstanding member of the NC 4-H Horse Program.
The Edward H. Leagans 4-H Equine Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding 4-H Horse Program member based on academic achievement and merit. First preference for this scholarship is given to a Forsyth County 4-H member attending any institution of higher learning in the United States. If no applicant from Forsyth County may be awarded to a 4-H’er from the Noth Central District.
Dr. Bob Mowrey Extension 4-H Horse Program Scholarship
Number Awarded: 1 (Renewable)
The Dr. Bob Mowrey Extension 4-H Horse Program Scholarship will be used to provide scholarship support to current or former NC 4-H Horse Program members to attend a university or college and major of their choice. This scholarship may be renewed for 3 additional years by submitting a 4-H scholarship application and a current college transcript with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
NC 4-H Horse Program Scholarship
Number Awarded: 2 <>
Restrictions: Must be currently enrolled in the 4-H Horse Project and eligible under official NC 4-H Horse Program Guidelines.
The NC 4-H Horse Program Scholarship is awarded to a 4-H member currently enrolled in the NC 4-H Horse Project and eligible under official NC 4-H Horse Program guidelines. Scholarships will be awarded after an applicant has completed one semester or quarter of college with a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants may be enrolled in any accredited institution of higher learning in the United States. Must include an essay entitled “How 4-H has Prepared me for the Challenges of the Future.”
North Central District 4-H Horse Council Scholarship
Number Awarded: 2
Restrictions: Must be currently enrolled in the 4-H Horse Project and eligible under official NC 4-H Horse Program Guidelines and is active in the North Central District 4-H Horse Program.
The North Central District 4-H Horse Council Scholarship is awarded to a 4-H member currently enrolled in the NC 4-H Horse Project and eligible under official NC 4-H Horse Program guidelines. This scholarship will be awarded to a 4-Her who is active in the North Central District 4-H Horse Program.
Preparing for 2025 Horsebowl Competitions
Submission of horsebowl questions by counties is OPTIONAL for 2025. Any county or team may register for their district horsebowl contest without submitting questions. Links to the entry forms for district and
their deadline dates will be posted on the Horsebowl Contest page on the EEH website.
If a county or team would like to submit questions to be considered for use for district and state contests, they are still welcome to do so. Please use the linked Excel template or linked Google Sheet if submitting questions. If questions are submitted, please make sure they are from the current reference list. Please email them to Lori Stroud no later than Friday, January 3, 2025 in order to be considered for
use in the 2025 contests. The current references are listed on the EEH webpage. Please note: AYHC Horse Smarts and Horse Industry Handbook both had significant revisions published in 2021. Please make sure your book(s) are up to date before writing questions from those two sources. Each district has a completed set of all the reference books.
Congratulations to these NC 4-H Horse Program Members and Alumni for their Outstanding Accomplishments! |
Sara Richardson
Crowned Teen Miss Rodeo NC
Sara Richardson, Chatham County 4-H'er
Leah Grove wins Short Stirrup class at the 2024 NRHA Futurity
Leah Grove, Nash County 4-H'er
Two NC 4-H Horse Program alumni recently competed in the AQHA World Championship Horse Judging Contest in Oklahoma City. Hannah Mennig (Nash County, 2022 NC State 4-H Horse Judging Team) and Elena Hamilton
(Union County, 2023 NC State 4-H Hippology Team) represented Northeastern Oklahoma A & M College and University of Tennessee, respectively, in the Limited division of the contest. Hannah finished first and Elena placed second. We are proud of these young ladies' accomplishments and for continuing their careers into college! Hannah's team also placed first in the Junior College Division of the recent NRHA Futurity contest!
Hannah Mennig, NEO
Elena Hamilton, University of TN
2025 Southern Regional 4-H Horse Championships
Save the date for the 2025 Southern Regional 4-H Horse Championships that will be held July 30- August 3 in Perry, Georgia!
Class changes for the 2025 Southern Regional 4-H Horse Show:
2025 NC 4-H Horse Program Rules & Contest Updates
The NC 4-H Horse Program Rules and Regulations Manual is in the process of being updated and will be available on the Extension Equine Husbandry Website before January 1. Here is a summary of updates and changes that were voted on and approved during the NC State 4-H Horse Program Advisory Council Meetings:
Short Stirrup riders are now eligible to show at Southern Regionals
There will be five different Qualifying Horse Show Opportunities held throughout the state:
West (April 26, WNC Ag Center, Fletcher)
North Central (May 10-11, Raleigh)
Northeast (May 17-18, Currituck County)
South Central (May 17-18, Lake Waccamaw)
Southeast (May 31-June 1, Hines Farm Park, Jacksonville)
Little Britches Division:
Any horse of any age shown in this division may be shown one or two handed with a snaffle bit or bosal.
For little britches trail, failure to complete the course as written (including omission of obstacle, failure to complete obstacle, wrong side of obstacle, etc.) will not result in a disqualification, but will result in an OP. Any exhibitor receiving an OP may still receive a ribbon, but cannot place above a participant who receives a score.
Verbiage to be added to the rulebook to align with Southern Regional rules and to also maintain compliance with the new USDA Equine Welfare standards:
Research has shown that health complications, such as heat stress, stress of traveling, and showing can be exacerbated at low body condition scores. Due to concerns for animal welfare and the objective of 4-H to educate and promote quality animal husbandry; horses, ponies and/or mules shall not be exhibited at any NC 4-H Horse Program supported events with a body condition score of less than 4 based on the Henneke scale (ribs easily discernible, tops of spinous process easily discernible tailhead prominent with hook bones easily
discernible, withers accentuated, and neck obviously thin).
Recreational Riding Rewards Program Applications are due March 1 |
The Recreational Riding Rewards Program is an annual submission of recreational riding hours logged with an equine partner to earn awards and recognition at the state level. Hours logged follow the rider and may be completed on different horses, either riding or driving. Hours logged must be done on trails, endurance riders, or other organized group rides outside of an arena (fox hunts, beach rides, hunter paces, competitive trail rides, etc.). Arena riding, lesson hours, and horse show hours are not eligible for these awards. Hours logged are cumulative from year to year and will be added over time to achieve the levels of recognition.
When do you apply?
Log forms are due March 1, 2025 (for hours that took place in 2024)
Awards will be presented at the State 4-H Horse Show in July 2025. If a youth is not present, their award will be mailed to them.
Read more and download the log sheet
**Please note there will be modifications made to how hours are recorded and reported for the 2025 year (for applications submitted in 2026), so be on the lookout for those changes in January 2025.
2025 Youth Training Clinic |
Youth and adults interested in learning how to excel as competitors and coaches in competitive 4-H, FFA, and inter-collegiate horse judging contests are invited to attend the training session which will be held on January 18th, 2025. Topics will include organizing and delivering oral reasons, formulating a judging system, and effective use of terminology. The training session will use a variety of video horse judging classes as a model for training on class placing and oral reason training. The clinic participants are divided into four categories based on their experience level (cloverbud, rookie, non-rookie, and adults/coaches) and are then divided into break-out groups that allow for individual
attention and hands-on, critical-thinking activities.
You can find out more information, see the schedule, and get the registration link here.
2025 NC 4-H Horse Program Calendar of Events |
The 2025 NC 4-H Horse Program Calendar of Events is available for viewing/download. The link provided on the webpage is a dynamic link to a Google Sheet that updates in real time. Be sure to periodically check for updates or changes!
2025 NC 4-H Horse Program Calendar of Events
2024 NCSU Open Horse Show Judges' Certification List |
The 2024 NCSU Open Horse Show Judges' Certification List is now available, and includes twenty new names, many of which certfied in multiple disciplines.
The individuals listed in this publication attended the 2022, 2023, or 2024 North Carolina Open Horse Show Judges’ Clinic and indicated they would be available to judge shows. The area of expertise (X) indicates the judges’ preference in judging assignments and is not necessarily representative of their clinic performance. Judges receiving an (*) asterisk in their judging preference area indicate they scored 90% or better in that respective division (a minimum of the top one-third of participating judges certified in each division regardless of score). Participants were also required to take a written exam for each division. Scores for the exams were based on a 0-50 score and those scores were included, along with class
scores in each of the respective divisions.