
Yancey County 4-H Newsletter

January, 2025

Happy New Year Yancey County!

Wishing everyone a year filled with joyful moments, new adventures, and endless opportunities. May this new year bring you good health, happiness, and success in everything you do.

Club Meeting Schedules

Horse Club- Horse Club will continue to meet on the 3rd Monday of each month. The club is still accepting new members ages 8 and up.

Robotics Club- Robotics Club will continue to meet on the 1st Monday of each month. The club is still accepting new members ages 11 and up.

Lego Club - Lego Club will continue to meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. The club is still accepting new members ages 5 and up.

Longshots Shooting Sports Club - Longshots will be on a break until Spring. Club members please check the Club App for the practice schedule.

Arts & Crafts Club - Arts & Crafts Club will continue to meet on the 2nd Monday of each month. The club is still accepting new members ages 5 and up.

Sewing Club- Sewing Club will meet on the on the 2nd (older group) and 4th Tuesdays (younger group) of each month.

Cooking Club- Cooking Club will be taking a break until further notice  

STEM Club - STEM Club will be taking a break until further notice

Outdoor Adventures Club- Outdoor Adventures Club will be taking a break until further notice

Beef & Livestock Club- Beef & Livestock Club will be taking a break until further notice. 

4-H Member Enrollment

It's that time of the year again! 

Please enroll/re-enroll in your 4-H Clubs of interest before the end of the month.

Complete your enrollment using this link:

For more enrollment information, help, or questions, please contact Jazlyn Swain.

4-H Project Record Books due February 3rd

2024 4-H Project Record Books will be due in February. 

A 4-H project record book is a compilation of a 4-H’ers work for the year regarding their project area.

All 4-H’ers are welcome to do this!

Age divisions for competition include:

Cloverbud (5-7), 8-10, 11-12, 13-15, and 16-18. Age group is determined by age on January 1st, 2024

NC 4-H Scholarships for Graduating Seniors

NC 4-H Graduating Seniors are encouraged to apply for the Scholarship Program. 

Applicants must have accumulated at least a minimum of 3 years of 4-H work.

Please submit applications at the Yancey County Extension office by January 24th.

Visit the website for information and guidelines.

Upcoming Events

Click here for a digital calendar!

Monday, January 6th, 6:00pm - Robotics Club Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office

Monday, January 13th, 4:00pm - Arts & Crafts Club Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office

Tuesday, January 14th, 5:00pm - Sewing Club (older group) Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office

Wednesday, January 15th, 4:00pm - Lego Club Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office

Monday, January 27th, 5:30pm - Horse Club Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office

Tuesday, January 28th, 5:00pm - Sewing Club (younger group) Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office

For the most updated information, please feel free to contact Jazlyn directly at or 828-682-6186. 

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

N.C. Cooperative Extension - Yancey County Center, 30 E U.S. Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville, NC 28714, United States
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