Upcoming Events
Click here for a digital calendar!
Monday, January 6th, 6:00pm - Robotics Club Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office
Monday, January 13th, 4:00pm - Arts & Crafts Club Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office
Tuesday, January 14th, 5:00pm - Sewing Club (older group) Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office
Wednesday, January 15th, 4:00pm - Lego Club Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office
Monday, January 27th, 5:30pm - Horse Club Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office
Tuesday, January 28th, 5:00pm - Sewing Club (younger group) Meeting @ Yancey Extension Office
For the most updated information, please feel free to contact Jazlyn directly at jazlyn_swain@ncsu.edu or 828-682-6186.