
February, 2025

2025 Cooperative Extension Summer Internship

Buncombe County Cooperative Extension is one of 38 North Carolina Cooperative Extension offices selected to host a summer intern this year!

This internship is 100% funded through the state and will span May 14-July 25th at 40 hours/week.


Join the Exploring 4-H Club!

Would you like to get involved with 4-H but you aren't sure where to start? Buncombe County 4-H is excited to announce a new opportunity! The Exploring 4-H Club allows youth to explore all that 4-H has to offer. Open to 4-H members ages 5-18. 

Join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, February 18th at 4:00pm at the Buncombe County Extension Office!

2025 WNC Pullet Project

The program is designed for youth ages 5-18 in Western North Carolina who are interested in raising and showing chicks. The WNC 4-H Pullet Project gives youth the opportunity to:

  • Raise 5 chicks from 2 days old until approximately 4 months old (laying hen breeds)
  • Participate in training workshops to learn about chick care, husbandry, general health, housing, handling, and showmanship skills.
  • Show your chickens with other program participants in the final WNC 4-H Pullet Project Show.

Poultry Judging Team Interest Meeting

Join us for an interest meeting for the 4-H Poultry Judging Program! Poultry Judging is a 4-H activity in which participants compete in teams to demonstrate their knowledge of poultry, including market eggs, poultry parts and egg production.This meeting is for both adults and youth interested in learning more about the program and interested in participating in 2025.


Reserve Your Space Now for 2025 4-H Camp @ Betsy Jeff Penn!

There are few tools as powerful as the camp experience to positively impact the lives of young people. Whether it’s through nurturing social skills, building self-confidence, re-connecting kids with nature, or supporting positive peer-to-peer relationships, North Carolina 4-H Camp has the power to transform the lives of every child that walks through our doors.

Your child can look forward to a week of making new friends, swimming, archery, canoeing, rock climbing, games, campfires, sleeping in cabins, and much more. The life skills they learn at camp, including responsibility and independence, will help them in school, when they attend college, and in their first jobs

 Spaces are limited, so register soon!


2025 WNC Dairy Steer Project

The WNC Dairy Beef Feeder Calf Program is designed to introduce youth to livestock showing, feeding, and care. Participants in the program will be provided a dairy calf that they will feed and care for at their home or another approved facility from March through the 2025 Mountain State Fair when the calves are sold. Participants will attend an informational orientation to prepare them for their project, participate in other events/clinics where they will work with their calf, and conclude their project by showing and selling their calves at the WNC Mountain State Fair.


2025 Livestock Judging Interest Meeting

Join us for an interest meeting for the 2025 Buncombe & Henderson County Livestock Judging Program! This meeting is for both adults and youth interested in learning more about the program and planning to participate in 2025.


2024 Project Record Books & Portfolios Due!

The due date for turning in 2024 4-H Project Record Books and Portfolios is February 24th, 2025!

Need help completing your record book? Not sure how to complete a record book? You can schedule a one-on-one meeting with Jordan to get individual help with completing your record book! Email

Project Record Book FAQ's:
1. What is a Project Record Book? A 4-H Project Record Book is a written record of what all a 4-H member has completed and participated in over the past year.

2. Why should I complete a Project Record Book? Completing project record books teaches youth skills such as organization, record keeping and more! In addition to helping teach youth essential life skills, youth also have the opportunity to win awards for their records! Project Records are judged at the District and State level. 4-H’ers have the opportunity to win Gold, Silver, or Bronze at each level, with many winners receiving a monetary award.


NC 4-H Camps are Hiring for Summer 2025!

Are you ready for a summer of amazing experiences and memories that will last a lifetime? NC 4-H Camps are looking for responsible, enthusiastic individuals to serve as positive role models and mentors for youth, ages 5 – 17 at our American Camp Association accredited summer camp.

You will help provide a fun, caring, safe environment in which young people will learn to appreciate nature, enjoy the challenges of adventure activities while creating lasting friendships and memories.


Buncombe County 4-H Needs You!

Volunteers are the key to success in the Buncombe County 4-H program. Whether you’re interested in starting a club and becoming a club leader or just have a few hours to invest, we have challenging and fun jobs for adults who want to make a difference in the lives of Buncombe County youth! 

Volunteers guide 4-H members in becoming productive citizens, outstanding communicators, effective leaders, and successful lifelong learners. Buncombe County 4-H needs volunteers who are willing to share creative ideas, time, talent, and skills to support youth in their communities.


We Want to Hear From You!

Buncombe County 4-H wants to hear from you! Click the link below to complete our 2024-25 needs assessment. This information will help us plan future programs to best serve Buncombe County youth and families!


Upcoming Events

  • Thursday, February 6th 4:00-5:00pm- Poultry Judging Team Interest Meeting
  • Monday, February 17th 5:00pm- Livestock Judging Interest Meeting
  • Tuesday, February 18th 4:00-5:00pm- Exploring 4-H Club Meeting
  • Thursday, February 20th 6:00pm- WNC Pullet Project Q&A Zoom Meeting
  • Monday, February 24th - 2024 4-H Project Record Books Due to Buncombe Office
  • Thursday, February 27th 6:00pm - WNC Dairy Steer Project Orientation
  • Friday, February 28th- Applications Due for 2025 WNC Pullet Project & WNC Dairy Steer Project
Click Here for a Digital Calendar!

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

N.C. Cooperative Extension - Buncombe County Center, 49 Mt Carmel Rd, Asheville, NC 28806, United States
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