
Alexander County Center

Green Thumb Gazette

March 2025 Newsletter
Community Garden & Workday

If you don’t know already, Alexander County is home to the Taylorsville Community Garden! If you are interested in renting a bed, they are $25 per bed for the ENTIRE SEASON! Any additional bed is $10. That is a great deal! Stop by our office to claim a bed.

NC Planting Calendar - to help you plan your spring/summer gardens!!

BOLOs (Be On The Lookout)....

Month-by-month lists of common plant diseases, pests, and other problems you may encounter in North Carolina yards and gardens. Straight from our PDIC (Plant Disease & Insect Clinic) entomologists and pathologists!

Click on the following links to see the Garden Calendars for each month:

Arbor Day! - March 21st

Arbor Day is all about giving thanks to your trees. There are many ways you can celebrate your trees. Here are a few ideas:

  • Pick up litter. The trees clean the air for us. Let’s clean up the ground for them.
  • Get outside. You can’t show your gratitude to trees from indoors. Get outside and spend time in nature.
  • Plant a tree! What better way to celebrate our trees than planting one? Learn more about how to best plant trees with our reforestation page.
  • Learn tree identification. Learn what trees are around you and their individual benefits. Check out our new tree identification resource helping you identify 21 of North Carolina’s most common trees.  
  • Understand invasive species. You can protect trees by understanding invasive species that harm them and utilizing best practices to avoid further spread. Learn more about invasive species on our forest health page.
  • Manage your woodlots. The best way to have healthy trees is by learning forest management. Discover how to manage your forestland with our forest management page.

Read more at:
Spring Chores in the Pollinator Garden - Debbie Roos - NC Cooperative Extension
Check out this great article written by a fellow Extension Agent on what things you need to be doing in the garden - specifically a pollinator garden! She is also an amazing resource on anything and everything pollinator gardening. Check out her Extension page and her list of Top 25 Plants for Pollinators. This list is the best bang for your buck when you are trying to figure out what to plant for pollinators to help them in each season!  photo by:  Debbie Roos
Farmers Market Spring Vendors Meeting

If you are interested in becoming a vendor in the Alexander County Farmers Market, please join us at our Taylorsville or Bethlehem Locations!! We will have our Spring Vendors Meeting on March 28th at 12pm. Please RSVP to attend. If you have any questions regarding the markets, please contact Cari Rosenbalm at 828-632-4451 or

Upcoming Events:
3/13 @ 9am - 5pm - Small Fruit Plant Sale Pickup!!
3/21 - NC Arbor Day (go plant a tree!)
3/28 @ 12pm - Farmers Market Spring Vendors Meeting
4/10 @ 3pm - 7pm - Spring Fling @ Alexander County Courthouse Park

Proper Tree Planting Guide

To view more videos like this one from the Horticulture Department at NCSU please go to the
following link:

Click on the image above for a fact sheet on Planting and Mulching Trees and Shrubs.
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

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