
October 2021 Newsletter
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             Henderson County Center               Cooperative Extension

-October 2021 Newsletter-
Testing Wells in Henderson County
Many Henderson County residents utilize well water for their drinking water. Well water is usually healthful and has a good flavor. Many people who have used a well would say they prefer it to city-supplied water. The advantages to having your own water source are clear, however, there may be hidden risks.

                                 Click Here To Learn More! »
       Farm City Day 2021 on Sat. 10/2!

The event celebrates Henderson county’s rural traditions and introduces the urban population to some common farming activities from previous generations. Approximately 80 acres of Jackson Park will be used for urban, rural, and educational displays, antiques and modern farm equipment, and crafters from many generations. Farm City Day focuses on ‘agricultural awareness’, teaching kids where their food comes from and who produces it.
Seed Saving
Collecting and growing seeds is a very gratifying activity. It can save a gardener money on purchasing seeds and gives them more options on plants to install in the landscape. However, patience is definitely needed.

Giant Spider invades North Georgia

The Golden Orb Weaver or Joro Spider has invaded northeast Georgia and could be heading our way. In the last five years, these giant spiders have spread to multiple counties in north Georgia. Where they have established themselves these enormous spiders make walking outdoors in the late summer creepy, to say the least.
    Flock to Backyard Birding

With more and more people choosing the outdoors to spend their time, birdwatching has soared to a new favorite hobby in WNC. Many of those backyard birders are finding ways to attract their feathered friends into their home landscapes rather than going out to find them remotely.

4-H Club at the NC Mountain State Fair

The NC Mountain State Fair is an opportunity for youth to showcase their hard work with the West side of the State. The Barnyard Bandits 4-H Club was no exception with Club members showcasing their best! Some walked away from the Mountain State Fair with ribbons and prizes, but all should have walked away with a great sense of accomplishment in their work.

Saving Gourd and Pumpkin Seeds!

Gourds and pumpkins used for fall décor contain seeds that can be collected and planted in your garden next summer. Seed saving can save you a little bit of money, but the real benefit to seed saving is the preservation of unique plants.

Save the Date: Farmers Market Holiday Events

Looking for a unique holiday gift this season? Two of our local Farmers Markets are planning to host Holiday Markets featuring our favorite community craft vendors and late fall produce.

Pumpkins - not just for decoration
With the coming of Fall, our attention turns to pumpkins. Not only are they used for decorations, but they are very nutritious and versatile when it comes to preparing them for our family and friends.

Farwell to a legend - Renay Knapp

Well, we’re not sure if that’s what Renay Knapp will be doing come November 1, but she’s earned that right. Henderson County Cooperative Extension’s longtime Family and Consumer Science Agent will be retiring then, and we hope we haven’t seen the last of her.

A Tough Year for Henderson County Agriculture

Newcomers and city dwellers may not realize how big agriculture is in Henderson County. The industry is 20% of the total economy of the county. Henderson County is the largest agricultural county west of I-77 in North Carolina. The total farmgate (value right off the farm) value of crops and livestock in the county exceeds $100 million. Unfortunately, this has been a difficult year for our farmers.

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

Extension's 4-H program is the largest youth development organization in North Carolina. We help over 247,000 young people grow into active, contributing citizens each year.

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