
Alexander County Center Newsletter
November, 2021
National Farm-City Week is celebrated the week before Thanksgiving and recognizes the contributions that farmers make to both rural and urban settings.  Farms and ranches have long been an essential part of our very existence.  Whether a generational farm or a new and beginning farm, Alexander County farms continue to provide economic, environmental, and health benefits to people.  

Alexander Cooperative Extension celebrates the contributions that agriculture brings to our local economy with jobs while also recognizing the benefit farmers receive from urban centers.  Distributors, restaurants, grocers, producers and more allow for the expanded utilization of the farm product.  Whether they provide food, medicines, or textiles to consumers, they have an economic impact in their city and rural communities, too.  

A spotlight has been shone on the network of how food moves from the farm to our table within the last year and a half.   This experience has shown how important locally produced products are to us.  

Observing Farm-City Week is important to remind us all to be thankful to those that produce the things we need in life; that we cannot ourselves provide.  Farmers and ranchers continuously seek ways to improve farming methods while providing safe and healthful products.  While we consider where the food on our table comes from during this upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday, think about the impact of farms on your life.  No matter where we live, on the farm or in the city, a farmer touches our lives.  

Use #FarmCityWeek to give a shout out to the farmers, ranchers, and merchants who support farming and agriculture.  

National Farm-City Week began as a Joint Resolution by Congress on August 21, 1957 calling for a presidential proclamation declaring National Farm-City Week.  President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared the observance in October to recognize the contributions farms make to both rural and urban communities.

Below are links to register for each event:

November 6, 2021 in Bunn, NC:
November 20, 2021 in Salisbury, NC:

If you have more questions please contact N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center at 828-632-4451.
Green Thumb Gazette Newsletter- November's Edition is out and available.  To read what garden tasks to do in December, what to be on the look out for around your lawn and garden; or just to stay-in-the know with what our horticulture agent, Cari Mitchell, is offering please click on the following link:  November 2021 Newsletter

Also, if you would like to receive this newsletter by email please contact the N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center.
4-H Update
The Alexander County 4-H Program is having club meetings again.  For a recap and to see what programs are coming up in November please click the following link:  November Newsletter
Alexander County Offices will be closed on the following dates:
Thursday, November 11 - Veteran's Day
Thursday, November 25 & Friday, November 26 - Thanksgiving
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

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