

Livestock News, Updates, and Information: March 2022

Thank you for reading this month's newsletter! This information is intended to be timely and practical for our livestock producers. If you have any questions regarding any information provided, events, or suggestions on topics to be addressed, please reach out to Laura at Be sure to visit our website and our social media sites!
The Iredell County Cattlemen's Association March Meeting will be held on March 17th at 6:30 PM at the Iredell County Agriculture Resources Center. Livestock Agent, Laura Elmore, will be leading the educational program.

Call the Extension Office at (704) 873-0507 to register by March 14th!
Mitigating High Fertilizer Costs
High fertilizer costs are a major concern for our livestock and forage producers. Take a look at this video for some quick tips for managing livestock pastures and hayfields!
Pasture Weed Spotlight: Thistle

One of the most misunderstood weeds in our western North Carolina pastures is thistles. A biennial, most of us don’t really give them a second thought until they send up their stalk with those gaudy pink flowers and spread those downy seeds hither and yond. Usually, once we recognize the stalks and flowers they have already produced viable seeds.

Control them now, before they get too big this summer!

Avian Influenza (HPAI) detected in North Carolina --
What You Need to Know

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been detected in wild waterfowl off the coast of NC and SC through the USDA's surveillance program. Continue to practice proper biosecurity and keep domestic flocks away from wild birds, waterfowl, or other birds. The current recommendation from NCDA is to keep all flocks in an enclosed area, whether that be inside a coop/run or in a chicken tractor. The main point to keep in mind is that they do not need to have free access to the outdoors in a way that is not protected.

USDA has a great resource around biosecurity measures that can be taken at all times to ensure the health of your flock. Now is a good time to review those resources to know what you can do to keep your birds safe.

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EVENTS | View Calendar
North Carolina Forage and Grasslands Council Webinar
Iredell County Cattlemen's Association Meeting
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

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