
April 2022 Newsletter
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             Henderson County Center               Cooperative Extension

-April 2022 Newsletter-
Annual Spring Plant Sale at Bullington Gardens
Bullington Gardens will hold its annual spring plant sale from April 28 through April 30, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friends of Bullington will receive a 10% discount and an exclusive early-bird shopping day. The 2022 spring sale features a wide variety of annuals, vegetables, herbs, perennials, shrubs, and trees.

           Click Here To Learn More »
Don't Plant Your Veggies Too Earlier!

Three days of temperatures in the mid-fifties makes every gardener worth his or her salt want to get out and start planting their vegetable garden. With the daffodils pushing up leaves and the buds on the trees swelling, spring looks like it is on its way. But beware, the ‘garden-gods,’ like the Greek gods of old, love to play tricks and torment their innocent subjects.

Tips on Starting Your Vegetable Garden in WNC
Many people consider vegetable gardening the most rewarding form of gardening there is. There is a very real connection one can have with the land if one is in the right frame of mind to enjoy vegetable gardening. Gardeners look forward every year

It's Fruit and Veggie Season!

As the daffodils begin to bloom in the yard and my hens start setting on their eggs, I know one thing is certain: spring is on its way! This means longer days spent enjoying the beauty of the outdoors here in Western North Carolina.
April Garden Calendar - NC Mountains

Have you seen your pastures filled with pretty little yellow flowers in early spring of recent years? While there are different kinds of this weed with small variations in leaf and flower characteristics, you are most likely looking at buttercup. It may be pretty to look at in late spring, but it is not ideal for pastures and can be an indicator of needed change.

2022 Farmers Market Guide

The weather is warming, summer is just around the corner and that means in the next few weeks farmers markets will start popping up around Henderson County. Why shop at the farmers market? There’s simply no better place to find fresh, local food than at a producer-only market where you can purchase directly from a grower. Shopping at farmers markets is a way to support small businesses as well as the local economy.

Purple Pasture Weeds

Have you seen short, purple-tinted plants with little purple flowers in your pastures and hayfields? It could be either Henbit or Purple Deadnettle, they are often confused for one another! Although their control methods will be similar, it is interesting to be able to spot the difference between the two.

You're Invited to ~Free~ EFNEP classes!

It’s officially spring in Henderson County, so we’re seeing new things every day: new buds on the trees, new beautiful bird calls in the air, and new classes at the Extension office! The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) is offering 3 new and completely free classes for local families.

Kitchen & Pantry Health Days
We seem to take care of everyone and everything these days, but have you ever considered taking care of your kitchen and pantry? It serves us multiple times daily, but we rarely take the time to preserve the tools that we use. If you’re straining to remember the last time that you checked in on your knives and thermometers, fear not! From now on, you will have the opportunity to do so on Tuesday evenings at the Cooperative Extension office!

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

Extension's 4-H program is the largest youth development organization in North Carolina. We help over 247,000 young people grow into active, contributing citizens each year.

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