During our most recent EYFP session in Yancey County, one of the parents brought up how the attitude of their youth changes after prolonged technology use. It didn't matter if it was a cell phone, iPad, TV, or computer - anything with a screen. She said her youth gets irritable, snappy, and withdrawn. This discussion stuck with me, and led to conducting my own research on the subject.
May is Mental Health Health Month. This topic of attitude and behavior change linked to technology is a perfect fit for this month's theme. According to www.aboutkidshealth.ca, children and teens who spend too much time in front of a screen may seem:
- lonely
- sad
- overly tired
- stressed or fearful
- isolated from friends or family
- withdrawn
- nervous
- agitated or tense
- aggressive or angry
They may also have emotional outbursts and have difficulties making and keeping friends.
Some children also have difficulties concentrating and lose interest in school or other hobbies A decrease in physical activity (including the many benefits that come along with this behavior)may also result from high amounts screen time.
The ideal combination for optimal mental and physical health for kids and teens is to have one hour of exercise combined with no less than two hours of screen time per day.
This combination is getting harder and harder to accomplish because so much of a student or youth's day is focused around a screen. Try to encourage the youth in your life to get the minimum exercise requirement
in at some point during their day - it doesn't all have to be at once!