
June 2022 Newsletter
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             Henderson County Center               Cooperative Extension

- June 2022 Newsletter-
Looking Back....

I clearly remember the first time I pulled up to the Bullington Horticultural Learning Center after interviewing for the job here in 1999. I slipped under the locked gate of the grounds to find a lonely facility and unkempt landscape. It had obviously shone in its day, but was now weedy and overgrown. Wonderful mature specimen plants dotted the grounds, but they were overshadowed by the overall sense of neglect. The only thing being cared for was the yard around the Bullington house. A family who was renting it kept the yard mowed and they had a swing set out back for their young son. Bob and Sally Bullington had built their home and nursery on this place in 1970.

Food Preservation Series 2022

Spring is here with all of its bountiful garden goodies! If you would like to keep those yummy springtime fruits and veggies for later in the year – then join us for our Food Preservation Series.

The Flat Rock Playhouse Gardens
Henderson County Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers donate their time to teaching people about the benefits of gardening through projects which keep the county beautiful. The Flat Rock Playhouse Gardens which started in 2008 has become a garden destination. Stop by and see this incredible garden this spring!

4-H WHEP Winners!

Jordan Lake State Park was filled with eager 4-H competitors Saturday, April 23 for a beautiful day at the State WHEP competition! WHEP (National Wildlife Habitat Education Program) is a hands-on environmental education program that provides participants an opportunity to test their wildlife knowledge in a friendly competition! The annual State contest location moves to different areas of the State each year. Rarely does Henderson County miss the opportunity to send a team to compete.

Johnsongrass in Pastures & Hayfields
Johnsongrass is easily spotted in pastures and hayfields because it grows in bunches that tend to be taller than the forages present. It is a warm-season perennial and can be drought tolerant. Johnsongrass can be grazed and often has good nutritional value, but has to be managed for it’s times of stress.

The Mediterranean Way and Why It Is Healthy

If you’re looking for a heart-healthy eating plan, the Mediterranean diet might be right for you. The Mediterranean diet incorporates the basics of healthy eating — plus a splash of flavorful olive oil.

Most healthy diets include fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains, and limit unhealthy fats. Summertime is an easy way to start your healthy diet with the abundance of fresh fruits and  vegetables available in our county.

Water Newly Planted Trees, Shrubs and Turf

With the lovely springtime weather we are having it is easy to forget newly installed plants need water. We should water newly planted trees, shrubs and turf weekly during the growing season. The equivalent of one inch of water per week should be enough.

'Tis the Season!

‘Tis the season! For what, you might ask? For summer and fall programs here at the Cooperative Extension Office!
The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) will be providing FREE summer/fall camps and classes for families and children of all ages. From our Mommy & Me classes to Advanced Teen Cuisine to Families Eating Smart and Moving More, there’s something for everybody!

Go to 4-H Summer Camp!
Did you know that 4-H has three residential camps through the State of NC?! Each camp is uniquely different based on their geographical location. Check them out below!

Pest Alert: Pine Bark Beetles

Large mature trees are one of the things that makes a community great. However, trees are like people; they get old and their resistance to health problems goes down. In the case of trees they become more susceptible to attack by insects and diseases.

NC 4-H Honors Volunteers With Awards!
Henderson County 4-H is blessed with amazing volunteers! We are honored to announce four 4-H volunteers as recipients of 4-H District and State awards!

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

Extension's 4-H program is the largest youth development organization in North Carolina. We help over 247,000 young people grow into active, contributing citizens each year.

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