

Livestock News, Updates, and Information: June 2022

Thank you for reading this month's newsletter! This information is intended to be timely and practical for our livestock producers. If you have any questions regarding any information provided, events, or suggestions on topics to be addressed, please reach out to Laura at Be sure to visit our website and our social media sites!
The Iredell County Cattlemen's Association June Meeting will be on June 16th at 6:30 PM at the Iredell County Agriculture Resources Center. The educational program will be presented by Dr. Greg Whitener and will be a discussion of Pinkeye and Footrot Prevention.

Please remember that the meal will be a hamburger cookout. Please bring sides and drinks to share. You may let me or President Ray Anderson know what you are planning to bring.

Call the Extension Office at (704) 873-0507 to register by June 13th!
Would you like to be included in the Iredell County Cattlemen's Association Directory? Click the link below to fill out the form!
Interpreting Our Soil Reports
Not sure what to do now that you have your soil report back? Take a look at this tutorial that Kendra Phipps, Livestock and Forages Agent in Stokes County put together to learn how to use the University of Georgia Extension Fertilizer Calculator to pick the best fertilizer blend according to soil test recommendations.
Forage Field Day at the Piedmont Research Station
Have you been considering bermudagrass but are not sure if it will work in our area? This is a great opportunity to see some seeded bermudagrass variety plots that local Cooperative Extension Agents have been working with for the last two years, and discuss establishment and maintenance in the Piedmont!
Pasture Weed Spotlight:
Bitter Sneezeweed

Bitter sneezeweed (Helenium amarum) is a warm-season, annual, native plant with narrow leaves and a branching stem. It generally is 8 to 20 inches tall when mature. Lower leaves may be lost as the plant ages, especially in dry conditions. Bitter sneezeweed is related to sunflowers and has showy, yellow flowers each of which usually has about 8 petals with 3 lobes. Flowers appear in late summer.
Do you have youth showing beef cattle, market lambs, or market goats? Take a look at this upcoming show being held at the Hickory American Legion Fairgrounds on June 24-25, 2022!
Small Ruminant Producers: Upcoming Sale Opportunities

It's ram buying season and ewe lamb sales have already started. We frequently get questions about where to buy rams and ewes, especially with the growing interest in sheep production. To help answer some of these questions, NCSU Small Ruminant Specialist Dr. Andrew Weaver has put together a list of ram and ewe sales in the Eastern US region. Click the link below for the list of upcoming sales!
Avian Influenza (HPAI) detected in North Carolina --
What You Need to Know

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been detected in wild waterfowl off the coast of NC and SC through the USDA's surveillance program. Continue to practice proper biosecurity and keep domestic flocks away from wild birds, waterfowl, or other birds. The current recommendation from NCDA is to keep all flocks in an enclosed area, whether that be inside a coop/run or in a chicken tractor. The main point to keep in mind is that they do not need to have free access to the outdoors in a way that is not protected.

USDA has a great resource around biosecurity measures that can be taken at all times to ensure the health of your flock. Now is a good time to review those resources to know what you can do to keep your birds safe.

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If you would like your farm to be featured on the Vist NC Farms App, request more information here!
EVENTS | View Calendar
Iredell County Cattlemen's Association Meeting
Forage Field Day at Piedmont Research Station
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

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