
August 2022 Newsletter
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             Henderson County Center               Cooperative Extension

- August 2022 Newsletter-
2022 Apple  Recipe Contest

It's that time of year again....Apple Recipe Contest! 

Labor Day Weekend means Apple Festival time!  The Apple Recipe contest will be held Friday September 2nd in Shelter #1 at Jackson Park.  

Click link below to see official rules and entry form.

2022 Tomato Field Day-August 11th

Join us at the 2022 Tomato Field Day, which will begin at 8 a.m. on Thursday, August 11th, 2022. The field day will take place at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center, 74 Research Drive, Mills River, NC 28759. We will begin the day with registration and a vendor tradeshow. Afterward, ride around the Center to enjoy stops at our Tomato Breeding, Pathology, Entomology, and other research plots. A complimentary lunch will also be served.

Sicklepod – Pasture Weed

Sicklepod is a semi-woody annual legume from the pea family. It ranges in height from 1 to 6 ft tall and off of the main stem are leaves made up of egg-like shaped leaflets in sets of 4 to 6. The leaflets closest to the main stem will be the smallest in size and will increase as they get further from the main stem. While sicklepod is considered a legume, it does not fix nitrogen. Coffee senna is a similar-looking plant that could be confused with sicklepod. Look at the end of the leaves – if you see a rounded end, it is sicklepod- if pointed, it’s coffee senna.

     Click Here To Learn More »
Spotted lanternfly confirmed in NC

Over the past few years, we have been saying it’s a matter of “when”– not “if”– the spotted lanternfly would invade North Carolina. Well, we no longer have to wonder. Recently, an established population of spotted lanternfly was confirmed in North Carolina for the first time.

4-H Shooting Sports National Awards 2022!
The focus of all 4-H programs is the development of youth as individuals and as responsible and productive citizens. The National 4-H Shooting Sports Program stands out as an example!

After qualifying at a District and State competition, a National tryout, and months of practicing, NC had 31 4-H competitors represent our State at the 4-H Shooting Sports Nationals June 26 – June 30. Five of the 31 competitors were from the Young Naturalist 4-H Club here in Henderson County!

NC State Sour Rot Management Resources for Vineyard Managers

When asked what the leading management issue NC vineyards face today,  managers across the state agree that year after year they consistently struggle with sour rot and information on how to manage it has been hard to find. In an attempt to offer growers more information on this disease complex, NC State Specialists and Extension Agent Karen Blaedow have put together a fact sheet.

NC Beaver Management Assistance Program Back in Henderson County

Beginning July 1, 2022, Henderson County residents will have the opportunity to take advantage of the USDA Wildlife Services and NC Wildlife Resources Commission Beaver Management Assistance Program (BMAP) for the first time in several years. The county has funded the program for the coming year to make it accessible to those having problems with the pesky critters.

Chris Just -  Ramping Up Farm Safety & Health Programs

Christopher (Chris) Just began work on February 1, 2022 as our Farmworker Health & Safety Agent. In his role, he works with agricultural workers in the county to make sure that they are properly trained in all the aspects that will keep them safe and healthy in their jobs – particularly, heat stress, worker protection standards and Covid-19 prevention.

Results – 4-H Congress 2022!
State 4-H Congress is the largest annual conference for 4-H youth to attend! Some highlights of the week are:

Begin a Career With Extension!

N.C. Cooperative Extension, Henderson County Center is hiring!!! Click the link below to see open positions.

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!
Time certainly flies when you’re having fun – especially as much fun as our summer EFNEP camp participants! Students from pre-K to high school have been having a great time learning about the foods that we eat and how to make them. From cucumber kabobs to crepes, and from bread to bean dip, these students have learned so many different ways to prepare and enjoy healthier foods! Each class explored the nutrients that we get from our foods, how to make healthier choices, how plants grow into the foods that we eat, and how to be more physically active each day. The classes included creating healthy recipes, as well as fun crafts and activities to go along with each lesson.

Pest Alert – Spiders In and Around the Home

Spiders get a bad rap. People think they are dangerous and having eight legs, they can look scary. Spiders have been the villains in movies and the source of consternation for lots of people.

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

Extension's 4-H program is the largest youth development organization in North Carolina. We help over 247,000 young people grow into active, contributing citizens each year.

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