No. 73                                                                                       November 2022
Welcome to the Team Elliot!

NC State Forestry Extension is excited to welcome Elliot Nauert to the team!

Elliot is an Extension Associate in Prescribed Fire and Fire Science with lots of experience in the fire sector. He is a Ph.D. candidate in Human Factors and Applied Cognition at NC State University, studying firefighter decision-making, training, and expertise. He worked as a research assistant at NC State for the Fire Chasers team for the years 2018-2020. Outside of NC State, he worked 7 seasons on a Wildland Fire Module in Sequoia and King’s Canyon National Parks where his crew specialized in prescribed fire and managing natural fires for resource benefit.

Elliot is excited to be able to use his experience to translate between the lab and the fireline. He will be contributing to our prescribed fire work on the team including the Southeast Prescribed Fire Update and various outreach efforts and events.
Prescribed Fire News Roundup
Forest Service Employee Arrested After Prescribed Fire Crosses onto Private Property Sparks Debate About Prescribed Fire

On October 19, a 300-acre prescribed fire in Malheur National Forest allegedly escaped onto the private property of the Holliday family. As federal crews were working to hold their prescribed fire and suppress the spot, the burn boss, Snodgrass, was arrested for reckless burning, leaving the crews to establish a new chain of command amid two active fires.

The arrest of Snodgrass has drawn national attention and debate over Forest Service fire mitigation policies, especially as it pertains to fire adjacent to private lands.

2022 Report on Longleaf Pine Cone Prospects

Longleaf pine cone counts indicate what the natural regeneration of stands could be in the fall. The 2022 Southeast Longleaf Pine Cone Crop Report details their findings and predicts this year's crop to be fair, with an average of 41 cones per tree. Forest managers can use this information to plan prescribed fire activities accordingly to facilitate longleaf seed germination.

The Fourtown Fire - Fire Management on a Landscape Scale

Where applicable, utilizing both fire suppression techniques and fire management strategies are healthier for the ecosystem and a safer way to suppress fires. This fire management strategy was applied in the 2021 Fire Season to the Fourtown Fire in Superior National Forest, MN. Check out this article, coupled with relevant pictures, that highlights the successes of mixing fire suppression with fire management in fire-adapted ecosystems.

Friends of Fire Podcast

"Friends of Fire is a podcast produced by the Southern Fire Exchange that reviews a variety of fire science topics relevant to southeastern US ecosystems. Each episode features an interview with a fire practitioner, researcher, or both! We discuss current research, the practicality of implementing research recommendations, best management practices, and future research needs."

SE FireMap Phase II: Developing the Decision Support System Webinar

The SE FireMap and its associated tools aim to improve fire management in urban and rural communities through remote sensing and track both prescribed fire and wildfires throughout portions of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas - prioritizing coverage of the historic longleaf pine range. In this webinar, panelists walked through the beta version of the SE FireMap, discussed the development of SE FireMap 2.0, and outlined ways users can provide input on its development.

Book Release: New science helps predict smoke movement, quantifies impacts to health

A new book by Forest Service scientists and partners synthesizes the latest knowledge from wildfires and prescribed fires on smoke composition, movement and impacts. It explores the social implications of wildland fire smoke, and reports on new modeling tools to predict smoke movement and concentrations, which will help improve smoke forecasting systems. The book provides a foundation for improving how wildland fire smoke can be managed in the coming decades.

Mountain Valleys RC&D’s Mitigation Cost-Share Assistance Program offers 50% reimbursement for residents within their eight-county region to hire out a contractor or rent equipment to reduce their home’s risk of ignition from wildfire. Preference given to homes or communities within a moderate-to-high wildfire risk area. Check out this recently posted blog entry that explains the cost-share process. Funding available until December 2022.

Community Wildfire Defense Grants from Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are now available. The program will assist at risk communities with planning and mitigating against the risk of wildfires. The Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network has published an article to help navigate applying for the grant. Click Here to Read More.

The 2022 EJ Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers RFA has been amended. Total funding now up to $100 million. Up to $10 million per award for a 5-year period. Deadline extended to November 1st.

Coalitions and Collaboratives Inc. (COCO), a Colorado-based nonprofit, started the Action, Implementation and Mitigation (AIM) Program to accelerate fire adaptation concepts and reduce the risk from wildfire across the U.S. by increasing capacity and on-the-ground work. Applicants must contribute a 100% match (cash or in-kind match is eligible).  Award funding may range from $10,000 – $75,000. Grants are contracted for a period of one year. Deadlines Soon!

With a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), the National Science Foundation is calling for planning proposals focused on catalyzing innovative and inclusive wildland fire science through collaboration among diverse stakeholders and rights holders. Planning proposals must be submitted via Budget requests must not exceed $100,000 per year (including indirect costs) for a total of $200,000, with a duration of up to 24 months. Planning proposals can be submitted at any time but should be submitted no later than May 31, 2023 for consideration during Fiscal Year 2023.
Job Opportunities
Multiple Location Burn Crew Manager (Maine & Georgia), The Nature Conservancy, ME/GA

Sandhills WRC Burn Crew Manager (52062), The Nature Conservancy, NC

Sandhills WRC Burn Crew Member (52060), The Nature Conservancy, NC

Senior Land Management Assistant, South Florida Water Management District, FL

Engineering Equipment Operator, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FL

Land Management Support, Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources, FL

Region 8 Women in Wildfire Handcrew Supervisors, U.S. Forest Service, Clemson, SC

Multiple Southwestern Region Fire Vacancies, U.S. Forest Service

Multiple Southeast Conservation Corp Positions, Southeast Conservation Corp

Prescribed Fire Council Meetings

Prescribed Burner Certification Courses
Prescribed Fire Training Opportunities
Sandy Mush Game Lands Learn-To-Burn, Alexander, NC (Burn Window: Nov. 1-30)

DuPont State Forest Learn-To-Burn, Cedar Mountain, NC (Burn Window: Nov. 15 - Dec. 15)

RX-310 Introduction to Fire Effects, Virtual (Registration Due Nov. 28)

2023 Southern Area Engine Academy, Barberville, FL (Application Due Dec. 15)

6th Women-in-Fire Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (WTREX), Kelly, NC (Application Due Nov. 18)

2023 Florida's Prescribed Fire for Wildlife, Haines City, FL (More Info Coming in 2023)
Conferences, Workshops, Webinars, Festivals, and Other Events
November 9, 9 AM Eastern - Weather and Fuels Workshop
November 10, 9-5 PM Eastern - Learn to Burn: Using Fire to Manage Your Land, Dublin, VA
November 10, 11 AM Eastern - Talking About Fire Webinar

November 14-18 - National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop, Asheville, NC
December 3, 9-1 PM Eastern - Oak Hill Community Learn-and-Burn, Oak Hill, NC

December 6-8 - 7th Fire in Eastern Oaks Conference, Virtual Event
December 15, 11 AM Eastern - Fire and Water Webinar

January 4-14, 2023 - 20th Annual TN-KY Wildland Fire Academy, Bell Buckle, TN
January 8-27, 2023 - Fire Leadership for Women 20-day Training, Tallahassee, FL
January 17, 2023, 1-2 PM Central - Diversity Explodes with Another Boring Burn Webinar
January 19, 2023, 11 AM Eastern - Fire and Wildlife Webinar
February 16, 2023, 11 AM Eastern - Prescribed Burning in the Eastern WUI Webinar
The Driptorch Digest is distributed by NC State University as a project of the Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS) Prescribed Fire Working Group.

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