No. 75                                                                                       January 2023
The Driptorch Digest header including an image of two drip torches with smoke from a low-intensity fire in the background. "News for the southern prescribed fire community"
The Nc State Extension logo
The Southeast regional partnership for planning and sustainability logo
The Southeast regional partnership for planning and sustainability logo
The First Tribal Wildland Fire Module
The article linked below highlights ongoing work to create the country's first Wildland Fire Module to be directly managed by a tribal nation. The project comes from a partnership between the US Forest Service and the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. A Wildland Fire Module is a type of handcrew that specializes in managing fires for natural resource benefit, in line with fire's natural role in an ecosystem.
Tippin' Torch: Tips for the Season
A graphic of a drip torch
Happy New Year to everyone in our southern prescribed fire community! We are looking forward to supporting the good work you all do in 2023.

The peak of fire occurrence in the southeast is typically in late winter or early spring. That is right around the corner but historically fire activity is still relatively low in January. This may be a good time to catch up on training and development before the pace of fire management work in the region ramps up and wildfire response dominates. Check the Southern Area Coordination Center's Predictive Services page for the most current fire potential outlook. Here are some training resources that may be useful in preparing for the upcoming season:

  1. The "Upcoming Events" section of this newsletter!
  2. The Southeast Prescribe Fire Update's Training and Workshops page.
  3. Contact your local Prescribed Burn Association and/or Prescribed Fire Council to ask about local trainings like workshops and learn-and-burns.
  4. The Wildland Fire Learning Portal is the authoritative source for offerings of NWCG courses.
  5. NWCG Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR) has over 100 modules to choose from.
Prescribed Fire News Roundup
A map of the US showing locations of key participants in the Indigenous Peoples Burning Network
Introducing, Arkansas' Newest PBA
Three counties in northern Arkansas worked together with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to create the Ozark Mountain Prescribed Burn Association, the state's seventh PBA. Arkansas landowners interested in joining this or any of the other PBAs may refer to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission website linked below to find the appropriate contact information for their area.
The Grindstone Fire at Pilot Mountain: A Success Story
A recent article and video published by the North Carolina Forest Service describe how the prescribed fire program at Pilot Mountain State Park contributed to a largely positive ecological outcome after the 2021 Grindstone Fire.
A close-up of a tick on a blade of grass
A First-Hand Account of the Future of Fire Management in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems
The Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center published a summary of a recent paper in Fire Ecology in which fire managers were surveyed for their perspectives on what prescribed fire work will look like in the southeast over the next several decades. The short answer? Challenging. The study identifies fire managers' main priorities and constraints in navigating that challenging future.
Webinar: How States Can Better Budget for Wildfires
Pew Charitable Trusts hosted a webinar with a panel of experts to discuss how states are handling their budgets to deal with increasingly expensive wildfire management. Much of the discussion is inspired by a recent Pew study that identified the main wildfire-related budgeting issues that state governments face, and recommendations for addressing those issues.
Funding Resources
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation: Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund
  • 2023 Request for Proposals in support of projects that restore, enhance, and maintain longleaf pine to improve wildlife habitat.
  • Applicants are also encouraged to prioritize projects that:
    1. Provide co-benefits related to carbon sequestration and improving water quality
    2. Incorporate outreach, engagement, and collaboration with historically underserved communities
  • Limited funding also available to support bottomland hardwood restoration and enhancement activities.
  • Proposal Deadline: February 2, 2023
The National Forest Foundation logoi
  • Available to nonprofits, universities, and federally-recognized Native American tribes
  • Must benefit U.S. National Forests and Grasslands
  • 1:1 nonfederal cash match
  • Round 1 Application Deadline: January 23, 2023
  • Round 2 Application Deadline: May 18, 2023
  • Calling for planning proposals focused on catalyzing innovative and inclusive wildland fire science through collaboration among diverse stakeholders and rights holders.
  • Budget requests must not exceed $100,000 per year (including indirect costs) for a total of $200,000, with a duration of up to 24 months.
  • Proposal Deadline: May 31, 2023
The National Science Foundation logo.
The Mountain Valleys Resource Conservation & Development Council Logo.
  • 50% reimbursement (up to $2000) for North Carolina residents within an eight-county region to hire out a contractor or rent equipment to reduce their home’s risk of ignition from wildfire.
  • Preference given to homes or communities within a moderate-to-high wildfire risk area. Check out this recent blog entry that explains the cost-share process.
  • Reimbursements available until funds depleted
Job Opportunities
  • Troy, NC
  • The Ember Alliance
  • Open until positions are filled
  • Good Hope, GA
  • Georgia Forestry Commission
  • Application Deadline: Jan. 4
  • Barney, GA
  • Georgia Forestry Commission
  • Application Deadline: Jan. 5
  • Van Buren, MO
  • NPS, Ozark National Scenic Riverways
  • Application Deadline: Jan. 9
  • Collier County, FL
  • South Florida Water Management District
Multiple Southeast Conservation Corps Positions
  • Multiple Locations
  • Southeast Conservation Corps
  • Multiple Application Deadlines
Upcoming Events
Prescribed Burner Certification Courses
20 - 24
Apopka, FL
  • Register By: Jan. 13
Prescribed Fire Training Opportunities
January - February
Sarasota, FL
  • Three separate courses and dates
Clarkesville, GA
  • Register By: Feb. 17
25 - 28
Haines City, FL
  • Apply By: Mar. 12
  • Sign up for more info
Conferences, Workshops, Webinars, Festivals, and Other Events
Gainesville, FL
28 - 30
Reno, NV
16 - 18
Tyler, TX
The Driptorch Digest is distributed by NC State University as a project of the Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS) Prescribed Fire Working Group.

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