Woodland Owners Notes eNewsletter
Heirs Property Summits
N.C. A&T and N.C. State Cooperative Extension are working together to educate the public about heirs property! We are hosting six
heirs property summits across the state. Join us for hands-on training sessions that will provide valuable materials and guidance to avoid involuntary property loss, and protect and preserve family land for generations to come. Learn about the origin and history of heirs property, estate planning, and legal strategies to secure their land. Come to connect with resources and other technical assistance including some potential opportunities to listen from a panel who are dealing with heirs issues.
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Wildfire Resources in NC
Did you know that North Carolina experiences some of the greatest number of wildfires in the country? Coupled with the fact that we
also have the most wildland-urban interface in the country, wildfire risk is an important issue for our state. There are many resources available regarding wildfire in our state that can help you keep informed of current wildfire conditions, learn about wildfire, and take action to reduce your wildfire risk.
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Caring for Your NC Christmas Tree
You bought your real NC Christmas Tree. Now what? Real Christmas trees quickly lose quality if handled improperly after they are cut. A fresh cut, plenty of water, and a bit of common sense are all it takes to enjoy your North Carolina Fraser Fir, according to our experts. Check out our tree care tips and indoor tree publications for more information on how much water is enough, Christmas tree pests, fire safety, and more!
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Range-wide Conservation Plan for Longleaf Pine (2025-2040)
The America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative has released the Range-wide Conservation Plan for Longleaf Pine for the next 15 years! The plan details strategies and objectives updated for 2025-2050 in the Southeast. While strategies are updated, the goal is the same - to have functional, viable longleaf pine ecosystems.
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Coming Events of Interest to Woodland Owners
December 8th, 2023 (F), 10 AM - 2 PM ET, ForestHer NC: Landowner Learn-and-Burn Prep Day. Join ForestHer NC community
member Olivia Ramos for a community work-and-learn day in Burnsville, NC! This will be the first of a two-part Learn & Burn series on this property. This date will be using a "pile and burn" method, while also preparing for an understory prescribed burn later in the season. This may include clearing firelines and thinning understory brush. During this work-and-learn style workshop, the Southern Blue Ridge Prescribed Burn Association will be teaching about prescribed fire in the mountains. People who sign up and attend this work-and-learn day will have first access to sign up for the second prescribed burn day. Get more information and register on the ForestHer NC event
December 14th, 2023 (Th), 11 - 12:30 PM ET, Fueling Collaboration Panel Discussion Series - The Future is Smoky. With increasing wildfire activity due to changes in climate, smoke will likely become more prevalent and continue to have an effect on society. Earlier this year, smoke from Canada wildfires lowered air quality in the eastern U.S. to its worst levels in recorded history. As the climate heats up and creates drier conditions, smoky skies will grow increasingly common. Health concerns and prescribed burning actions needed to restore functioning ecosystems will
be impacted by already smoky conditions across the country. Panelists include research meteorologists, air quality experts, and fire practitioners. Together, they will explore how we can address and adapt to a smoky future. Get more information and register on the Fueling Collab event page.
January 9th, 2024 (Tu), 9 AM - 3:30 PM ET, Project Learning Tree Explore Your Environment
Workshop. Join preservice teachers, K-8 classroom and nonformal educators as we explore activities in the newly released Project Learning Tree Explore Your Environment K-8 Activity Guide at Belmont Abbey College. Every participant will leave the workshop with a copy of this guide that includes 50 hands-on, multidisciplinary activities to connect children to nature and increase young people’s awareness and knowledge about their environment. Registration is $20, due Thursday, January 4th by noon. Get more information and register in advance on the NC PLT Belmont event portal.
January 13th, 2024
(Sat), 9 AM - 4 PM ET, Project Learning Tree Explore Your Environment Workshop. Join preservice teachers, K-8 classroom and nonformal educators as we explore activities in the newly released Project Learning Tree Explore Your Environment K-8 Activity Guide at the Fort
Fisher Aquarium in Kure Beach, NC. Every participant will leave the workshop with a copy of this guide that includes 50 hands-on, multidisciplinary activities to connect children to nature and increase young people’s awareness and knowledge about their environment. Registration is $25, due Friday, January 5th. Get more information and
register in advance on the NC PLT Aquarium event portal.
January 18th, 2024 (Th), 11 - 12:30 PM ET, Fueling Collaboration Panel Discussion Series - Phenology of Fire: Listening to the Plants and Animals. Season of fire. Opening the burn window. Both of these focus on one of the elements that make up a fire regime – frequency, intensity/severity, extent/scale, and seasonality. Decades of
spring-and/or autumn-centric fire can cause a site or landscape to respond very differently than when burned repeatedly across all flammable seasons. Summer burns can produce differing fire effects including increased species richness averages, biomass, and stem counts (especially forbs), and breaking up the plant species dominance resulting from dormant season burn windows. Panelists will bring fresh voices to how we can learn from listening to our fire-dependent plants and animals and let the fire effects lead us toward desired outcomes. Get more information and register on the Fueling Collab event page.
January 31st, 2023 (W), 9 AM - 3 PM ET, Heirs Property Summit (Guilford County).
Attend our hands-on, practical workshop about heirs property! Learn about the origin and history of heirs property and estate planning and legal strategies to secure their land. Come to connect with resources and other technical assistance including some potential opportunities to listen from a panel who are dealing with heir’s issues. Registration is free and open to all in surrounding counties. Get more information and register now on with NC A&T Heirs Property Summit page.
Webinars & Online Learning
Forestry Webinars on Demand Webinars are a great opportunity to learn about different forestry topics from experts in the field. We have collaborated with professionals from a variety of backgrounds, including forestry, economics, law, and more to bring you relevant topics at home.
eFire This interactive site allows you to choose your own eFIRE experience! Become virtually immersed in a prescribed burn, learn why and how burns are conducted, read the provided resources, and/or hear from the multiple types of people who use prescribed fire as a land management tool!
Woodland Owner Notes E-news is a monthly email newsletter from Extension Forestry at NC State University. This newsletter is made possible through support from the Renewable Resources Extension Act and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The
2023 editors are:Mary Lou Addor, NC State University, Extension Forestry, Raleigh, NC Robert Bardon, NC State University, Extension Forestry, Raleigh, NC Jim Hamilton, NC Cooperative Extension Service, Boone, NC Alton Perry, Roanoke Electric Cooperative, Rich Square, NC Colby Lambert, NC Cooperative Extension, Lillington, NC Rajan Parajuli, NC State University, Raleigh, NC Jennifer Fawcett, NC State University, Extension Forestry, Raleigh, NCSend Comments and Suggestions to the Editor, at NC State University, Email: extension_forestry@ncsu.edu. If you received this email as a forwarded message, and like what you see, please add yourself to our mailing list by subscribing below.
NC State University promotes equal opportunity and prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon one’s race; color; religion (including belief and non-belief); sex, including but not limited to pregnancy, childbirth, or other related medical condition, parenting, and sexual harassment; sexual orientation; actual or perceived gender identity; age; national origin; disability; veteran status; or genetic information.
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.