New Online Dashboard: Costs and Trends of Southern Forestry Practices
The Forest Landowners Foundation developed a tool to access the results from their survey, "2022 Costs and Trends of Southern Forestry Practices." This new online dashboard provides information for estimating the costs of different land management practices in different parts of the South, including prescribed fire. They recently held a webinar that provides an overview of the tool's functionality.
Tippin' Torch: Tips for the Season
August marks the beginning of peak hurricane season which presents special considerations for fire practitioners in our region. Here are a few points to keep in mind as meteorologists track the development of tropical storms in the Atlantic and Gulf.
- Stay informed on the current and forecasted potential for tropical storms through the National Hurricane Center.
- Hold off on any planned burning if there is an imminent chance of storm impacts in the area. The prospect heavy rain may provide a false sense of comfort that ignores
the fact that a front of strong winds arrives well ahead of any rain.
- Consider that a storm may result in blowdown and damaged trees. When burning resumes after a storm, expect that manual clean-up may be necessary first. Fallen limbs and debris may need to be burned in piles before broadcast burning can be introduced. Trees may need to be checked for damage that would render them more vulnerable to fire.
- SFE's September 2022 Fire Lines newsletter included an interesting research brief on a study of the interactions between hurricanes and wildland fire that's worth a read!
Your Insights are Requested for Two Research Projects on RX Fire 1. Are you interested in developing a new MOU for prescribed burning but don't know where to start? Or, have you been involved in developing a prescribed fire MOU in the past and are willing to answer questions about your participation? If so, please join this study! Researchers at the University of Florida are leading a study to help provide recommendations for creating prescribed fire MOUs in the future. Please contact Tyler Carney at tcarney96@ufl.edu with questions or interest in participating in the study. 2. Dr. Chelsea LeNoble, at the University of Central Florida, and her colleagues are conducting a study of team resilience in prescribed fire operations, and would like to learn from your insights and experience. They are looking for folks that are certified to conduct RX fires to participate in a one-hour interview to share their RX fire expertise. Please follow this link for more details about the study and to sign up to participate. https://ucf.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eYgMXGj2h8FEMgm
Prescribed Fire News Roundup
USFS Partners with HBCUs to Increase Diversity in Fire
In our May 2023 Issue, we featured several university programs in the South that aim to engage students in practical wildland fire experiences, increase wildfire management capacity in surrounding communities, and increase diversity of the fire management workforce. A similar program was recently highlighted by the Alabama Daily
News. This is a summer fellowship created through a partnership between the USFS and several HBCUs.
America's Longleaf Releases Accomplishment Report for 2022
America's Longleaf released its annual report on longleaf restoration for the past year, and also spent
some time reflecting on the many accomplishments that have been achieved since 2010. Among the most notable accomplishments for 2022 is a record 1.7 million acres of prescribed burning! The report makes clear the progress that has been made so far, identifies the challenges that remain, and begins to chart a promising course for the next 15 years of longleaf restoration.
North Carolina Prescribed Fire Needs Assessment
Researchers from University of North Carolina at Wilmington, with funding support from the NC Prescribed Fire Council, conducted research to identify the gaps between the prescribed fire that is achieved on NC public lands and the level of fire needed for
ecological restoration. The fire gap looks very different for each of the different agencies examined in this study. Overall recommendations focus on the enhancement of data collection by these agencies to allow better-informed decision making regarding the allocation of the limited resources available for prescribed burning.
Podcast: Legal and Policy Issues of Burning on Federal Lands
The nuanced world of prescribed fire liability can be difficult to navigate. Check out this podcast episode
from the American Bar Association to hear about prescribed fire liability and policy straight from the experts. It includes input from a middle-upper level managers in the USFS and legal professionals.
FAC Blog Highlights Grassroots Success Story in Appalachia
One of the recent blog posts from the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network tells the story of how FAC Net began in northern Georgia and spread through the Appalachians. The FAC Net work in this area focuses on wildfire risk reduction in the wildland urban interface and has largely been driven by grassroots community organizing in models like Resource Conservation and Development Councils.
'The New Wildfire Season': Fact Sheet from Texas A&M
Focused on the Great Plains region, this new fact provides a great overview of the current state of wildfire management. It describes the role of many new and emerging challenges and innovations including climate change, expansion of the WUI, economic impacts, and fire-resilient communities.
Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center Unveils Redesigned Website
The Wildland Fire LLC has completed a total overhaul of their website that provides easy access to their resources, including the incident review database. All of the original LLC products are still present, but are much easier to find. You can also find new products including Data Points, a new product introduced this year that identifies trends across multiple incidents and presents safety recommendations based on them. Check out the first edition about the value of carrying soft stretchers. More functionality is promised to be added soon, so stay tuned!
- Reimbursement for prescribed burns up to $30 per acre with a limit of 800 acres per recipient.
- Must be burned by a private or commercial certified and insured prescribed burn manager.
- Application Deadline: August 15, 2023
- $80 million from Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and matching funds from the Defense Department’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program will enhance outdoor access and protect at-risk species near military bases.
- Available to State Lead Agencies.
- Award amount: $250,000 - $5,000,000
- Application Deadline: August 21, 2023
- Funding available for projects that focus on increasing community resilience to wildfire risks. Many different approaches are invited.
- Award amount: $5,000 - $10,000,000
- Application Deadline: September 1, 2023
- Six topic areas are listed, each with its own funding announcement and award amounts.
- There is also funding available to support graduate research projects and fire science exchange network programs.
- Application Deadline: September 28, 2023
- Wake County, NC
NC State Parks
- Deadline: August 3
- Gainesville, FL
Alachua Conservation Trust
- Deadline: August 4
- Tallahassee, FL
- Tall Timbers
- Deadline: August 11
- Quincy, FL
Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever
- Deadline: August 14
- Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever
- Deadline: August 15
- Lexington, VA
- Deadline: August 24
- Crossville, TN
- Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever
- Open until filled
- Tampa, FL
- Hillsborough County
- Open until filled
- Tampa, FL
- Hillsborough County
- Open until filled
- Madison, GA
- Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever
- Open until closed
- Durham or Raleigh, NC
- Conservation Corps North Carolina
Click here for a useful resource on fire career paths.
Fire Training Courses and Workshops
Prescribed Fire Council Meetings
Alabama Prescribed Fire Council Meeting
Conferences, Webinars, and Other Events
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