Find 2023 Tax Year Timber Tax Tips, 2023 4th Quarter price report, Woodland Stewards Webinar Series, 2022 Mill Data, and MANY exciting events coming soon in this month's Woodland Owners Notes newsletter!
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Woodland Owners Notes eNewsletter

February 2024
Timber Tax Tips for the 2023 Tax Year

The U.S. Forest Service's annual timber tax tips are now available. Integrating tax planning into your forest management decisions year-round can help lower your overall taxes and increase disposable income. Tips include incentives, decreases in deductions for qualifying depreciable property, forest ownership classifications, and more.
Tax law can be challenging. With the help of experts, use these tax tips as a tool to assist your filing decisions.

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North Carolina Timber Prices Fare Better in the East - 2023 NC 4th Quarter Price Report

NC state-wide standing timber prices for the fourth quarter of 2023 increased in the hardwood sawtimber, pine chip-n-saw, pine pulpwood, and hardwood pulpwood classes and decreased in the pine sawtimber class. These price trends mirror South-wide standing timber prices. However, Eastern NC's prices rose from the third quarter in all classes while Western NC standing timber prices fell for all five major product classes.

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Joseph O'Brien, USDA Forest Service,
Woodland Stewards Webinar Series

Get excited for the 6th annual Woodland Stewards Webinar Series! The purpose of the Woodland Stewards program is to empower woodland owners to promote environmental and forest health through increased awareness, experience, and access to resources. Join us on Tuesdays at 1 pm starting January 30th until March 5th for a series titled 'Silvopasture: Managing Your Woodlands & Livestock in a New-Old Way.' Mark your calendars!

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2022 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

The 2022 Income of NC Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills report is available now. In 2022, the value of timber harvests was $611 million, up $33.2 million from 2021, showing the economic value of timber production for our state's economy. The top counties were Anson, Bertie, and Columbus. Get more information and see each county's acres of timberland, percent timberland, stumpage value, delivered value, and rank.

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Coming Events of Interest to Woodland Owners

January 30th, 2024 (Tu), 1 - 2 PM ET, Woodland Stewards Webinar Series: Silvopasture: An Introduction and Overview.
This webinar will provide an introduction to and overview of silvopasture for any level. Learn more about what it is, who should do it, and the advantages and disadvantages of the system. In addition, listen to a producer using silvopasture discuss their experiences on the ground. This is the first webinar in a 6-part series targeted towards landowners, farmers, producers and natural resource professionals. Advance registration is not required. Attendance is free. Learn more on the Forestry Webinars event page.

January 30th, 2024 (Tu), 6 - 8 PM ET, Wilson County Forestry Association Annual Meeting. Please register for the Wilson County annual meeting. A sponsored dinner will be included! Register on the Wilson Annual Meeting form.

January 31st, 2024 (W), 9 AM - 3 PM ET, Heirs Property Summit (Guilford County).
Attend our hands-on, practical workshop about heirs property in Greensboro, NC! Learn about the origin and history of heirs property and estate planning and legal strategies to secure their land. Come to connect with resources and other technical assistance including some potential opportunities to listen from a panel who are dealing with heir’s issues. Registration is free and open to all in surrounding counties. Get more information with the NC A&T Heirs Property Summit page. Register now using the January sign-up form.

February 5-10th, 2024 (M-Sat), F.L.A.M.E Week.
Join us for the second annual F.L.A.M.E. Week, hosted by Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest. F.L.A.M.E. is an acronym for “Fire Learning and Mitigation Education.” This year’s event will feature six days of programming, both virtual and in-person, for landowners, educators, nature enthusiasts, and the general public. The purpose of F.L.A.M.E. Week is to increase public awareness of the many facets of prescribed burning and wildfires, and how both good fire and bad fire affect North Carolina. Learn more about each day and register on the NC Forest Service event page.

February 7th, 2024 (W), 6 - 7:30 PM ET, Hertford County Forest Management Landowner Meeting. Join the Forestry Management Landowner Meeting! Colby Lambert, N.C. Cooperative Extension, Area Specialized Agent, will be joining to provide a market update and will share information on new potential timber mills in the area. Updates will also be provided by local NC Forestry Service representatives and USDA-NRCS. Register by January 31st to secure a meal. Get more information and register on the Hertford County event page.

February 8th, 2024 (W), 6:30 PM ET, Pine Needle Producers Association Meeting. Attend this Pine Needle Producers Association Meeting at the Moore County Extension Center in Carthage, NC. For more information, contact Terry Bryant, 910-947-3721.

February 10th, 2024 (Sat), 10 AM - 2 PM ET, Forest Management 101 Workshop. EcoForesters, along with NCFS and Extension, is holding a free landowner workshop in Haywood County. Lunch is included and free property maps will be provided with registration. Topics covered include forest management resources, tax incentives for forest management, and cost-share opportunities. This workshop is perfect for any landowner who wants to take their next steps towards restoring and preserving their family forest! Get more information and register on the EcoForesters event page.

February 6th, 2024 (Tu), 1 - 2 PM ET, Woodland Stewards Webinar Series: Establishing Pine Silvopasture When Starting From Pastures or Plantations.
Establishing silvopasture systems starts with existing forest or woodlands or from open fields or pasture. In this webinar, presenters will discuss approaches for creating a pine silvopasture system. Whether it is establishing a pine silvopasture system while starting from existing pine plantations or woodlands (from small to large acreages) or when starting from pasture lands, this webinar will provide an overview of how to do it. In addition, listen to a producer using silvopasture discuss their experiences on the ground. This is the second webinar in a 6-part series targeted towards landowners, farmers, producers and natural resource professionals. Advance registration is not required. Attendance is free. Learn more on the Forestry Webinars event page.

February 7th, 2024, (W), 9 AM - 3 PM ET, Heirs Property Summit (Stokes County). Attend our hands-on, practical workshop about heirs property in Danbury, NC! Learn about the origin and history of heirs property and estate planning and legal strategies to secure their land. Come to connect with resources and other technical assistance including some potential opportunities to listen from a panel who are dealing with heir’s issues. Registration is free and open to all in surrounding counties. Get more information with the NC A&T Heirs Property Summit page. Register now using the February sign-up form.

February 8-9th, 2024 (Th-F), Nature of Fire - A Project Learning Tree Special Topic Workshop. This special topic workshop in Elizabethtown, NC is being offered as part of FLAME Week events curated by Turnbull Creek ESF and partners. “F.L.A.M.E.” stands for Fire Learning and Mitigation Education, and events are open to anyone interested in prescribed and wildland fire. Register for $10 by Wednesday, January 31st at 5pm on the PLT FLAME event page.

February 13th, 2024 (Tu), 1 - 2 PM ET, Woodland Stewards Webinar Series: Establishing Hardwood Silvopasture Systems When Starting From Pastures or Woodlands. Establishing silvopasture systems starts with existing forest or woodlands or from open fields or pastures. In this webinar, presenters will discuss how and what to plant to establish a silvopasture system on an existing field or pasture. In addition, listen to a producer using silvopasture discuss their experiences on the ground. This is the third webinar in a 6-part series targeted towards landowners, farmers, producers and natural resource professionals. Advance registration is not required. Attendance is free. Learn more on the Forestry Webinars event page.

February 20th, 2024 (Tu), 1 - 2 PM ET, Woodland Stewards Webinar Series: From Forage to Livestock: Managing Animals in a Silvopasture System.
Animals in silvopasture systems are managed a little differently than traditional fields. In this webinar, presenters will discuss different aspects of managing animals in a silvopasture system from determining which animals, how much land they need, to introducing them to the silvopasture. In addition, listen to a producer using silvopasture discuss their experiences on the ground. This is the fourth webinar in a 6-part series targeted towards landowners, farmers, producers and natural resource professionals. Advance registration is not required. Attendance is free. Learn more on the Forestry Webinars event page.

February 27th, 2024 (Tu), 1 - 2 PM ET, Woodland Stewards Webinar Series: Moving Towards a Silvopasture System: Getting Started & Finding Help.
Establishing silvopasture systems takes knowledge, hard work, and money, however, there are many resources that can help. In this webinar, learn about the various programs and organizations available to assist with expertise and funds. From cost-share to grants to site visits and more. In addition, listen to a producer using silvopasture discuss their experiences on the ground. This is the fifth webinar in a 6-part series targeted towards landowners, farmers, producers and natural resource professionals. Advance registration is not required. Attendance is free. Learn more on the Forestry Webinars event page.

March 1st, 2024 (F), 10 AM - 4:30 PM ET, Project Learning Tree K-12 Workshop. Join classroom and nonformal educators as we explore activities in the K-8 Explore Your Environment Guide & the Places We Live secondary module. Every participant will leave the workshop with a copy of both guides-- a $55 value! This workshop will take place at the Kathleen Clay Edwards Family Branch Library in Greensboro, NC. Registration is due Friday, February 23rd at 12 pm. Registration is $20. Get more information and register on the NC PLT event page.

March 5th, 2024 (Tu), 1 - 2 PM ET, Woodland Stewards Webinar Series: Silvopasture producers share their stories and Answer Questions: A Panel Discussion. Learn from the experiences of various silvopasture producers in this final webinar of the 6-part series. This panel discussion will be a question-and-answer format, where participants can ask their burning questions. Each producer in this series will have presented their story in an earlier webinar, and in this webinar discussion, follow up with your questions. This is the sixth webinar in a 6-part series targeted towards landowners, farmers, producers and natural resource professionals. Advance registration is not required. Attendance is free. Learn more on the Forestry Webinars event page.

March 6th, 2024 (W), 9 AM - 3 PM ET, Heirs Property Summit (Halifax County). Attend our hands-on, practical workshop about heirs property in Halifax, NC! Learn about the origin and history of heirs property and estate planning and legal strategies to secure their land. Come to connect with resources and other technical assistance including some potential opportunities to listen from a panel who are dealing with heir’s issues. Registration is free and open to all in surrounding counties. Get more information with the NC A&T Heirs Property Summit page. Register now using the March sign-up form.

Webinars & Online Learning

Forestry Webinars on Demand Webinars are a great opportunity to learn about different forestry topics from experts in the field. We have collaborated with professionals from a variety of backgrounds, including forestry, economics, law, and more to bring you relevant topics at home. You can find more than 700 archived webinars on a variety of forestry topics.

NC Tree Farm Program Online Learning Learn about a variety of forestry topics through webinars, videos, and online courses.

eLearn: Urban Forestry This self-paced, online course provides an introduction to urban forest management.

eFire This interactive site allows you to choose your own eFIRE experience! Become virtually immersed in a prescribed burn, learn why and how burns are conducted, read the provided resources, and/or hear from the multiple types of people who use prescribed fire as a land management tool!

Introduction to Southeastern Prescribed Fire This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental basics of prescribed burning in Southeastern forested ecosystems.

Woodland Stewardship YouTube Channel This channel features webinars and other forestry-related videos.

Southern Fire Exchange YouTube Channel The Southern Fire Exchange (SFE) is a regional program for fire science delivery in the Southeast, funded by the Joint Fire Science Program.

Forest Farming YouTube Channel This channel features videos on medicinal herbs and other crops that can be cultivated under the forest canopy.
Woodland Owner Notes E-news is a monthly email newsletter from Extension Forestry at NC State University. This newsletter is made possible through support from the Renewable Resources Extension Act and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The 2024 editors are:

Mary Lou Addor, NC State University, Extension Forestry, Raleigh, NC
Robert Bardon, NC State University, Extension Forestry, Raleigh, NC
Jim Hamilton, NC Cooperative Extension Service, Boone, NC
Alton Perry, Roanoke Electric Cooperative, Rich Square, NC
Colby Lambert, NC Cooperative Extension, Lillington, NC
Rajan Parajuli, NC State University, Raleigh, NC
Jennifer Fawcett, NC State University, Extension Forestry, Raleigh, NC

Send Comments and Suggestions to the Editor, at NC State University, Email:
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NC State University promotes equal opportunity and prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon one’s race; color; religion (including belief and non-belief); sex, including but not limited to pregnancy, childbirth, or other related medical condition, parenting, and sexual harassment; sexual orientation; actual or perceived gender identity; age; national origin; disability; veteran status; or genetic information.
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.

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