Alexander County will be hosting a regional Cattle Handling Competition on March 29th for area FFA Chapters and 4-H members. This competition includes handling (moving), tagging, vaccinating and deworming 2 head of cattle along with general cattle knowledge that is tested in the skillathon portion.
Sample Test Question: 1.At how many months old are calves usually weaned? a.4-5 months c. 10 - 12 months b. 7-8 months d. Cows naturally wean their calves on their own
This competition teaches techniques and knowledge that can be put to use on their own beef cattle operation. Preparing our youth to do better and be more informed! Oh and by the way the answer to the above question is b...7-8 months.
Green Thumb Gazette Newsletter-March's Edition is available. To read what garden tasks to do in April, what to be on the look out for around your lawn and garden, or just to stay-in-the know with what our horticulture agent, Cari Mitchell, is offering please click on the following link:
Also, if you would like to receive this newsletter by email please contact the N.C. Cooperative Extension-Alexander County Center. You may also visit the following link to see past newsletters: Garden Thumb Gazette
4-H Update
Alexander County 4-H has been busy with club meetings and preparing summer fun opportunities.
Clubs are meeting in person once again and accepting new members. If you would like to visit one of our 4-H Clubs now is the time to get involved. Clubs are reorganizing for the new year. All 4-H participants and volunteers need to enroll or re-enroll in 4-H Online. This is a new requirement that has to be completed in order to participate in North Carolina 4-H. More information regarding enrollment can be found in the March 2022 Newsletter.
Be on the lookout in the next few weeks for the 2022 Summer Opportunities information to be released. Click on the link below for more information and to view the full newsletter:
Struggling to keep eating healthy? Want to cut down on the salt and sugar but can’t? Smart substitution can help you develop a healthier eating pattern. A healthy diet consists of meals low in fat, sugar, and salt and high in fiber, whole grains, and lots of fruits and vegetables. However, following these guidelines can be a bit harder to do especially if you’re eating out, on the go, or simply have a busy work life.
NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension.